Scarlet Rose: Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
"What are we gonna do?"
"Still on learning mode huh?"
"Wait, do you know?"
"Know what?"
"Oh, god. you don't do you?"
"Guess not."
She sat on my bed and looked curiously at me.
"Tell me, Khloe."
"Uhm. Well, remember Amara?"
"You mean bitch-face?"
I couldn't help but laugh and smile at that.
"Yeah, I mean her."
"Sadly, yes. What about her?"
"She's planning on killing me."
"She's a 500 year old Vampire"
"Uhh, whoa"
"Yep. But anyways, back to this thing, the present. You just found this on your dresser?"
"Yes. I came over here because you're the only one i know with all the necklaces."
"True...wait!" I walked to my desk and picked up the silver box.
"What are you doing?"
"Well, if i am the only one with the necklace, that one had to be hiding somewhere." I poked through everything in the box. I was about to give up when i saw the supposed bottom of the box splitting open. I chipped some of the velvet off with my nail, and as i thought there was 3 more necklaces there just as the first necklaces have been, except one was missing, a fourth slot.
"Oh my god..."
"What?" she took the box from me and looked at it.
"Someone took the necklace from the box."
"How? when?"
"Apparently when i heard someone in my room one night..." I got my phone and called Aiden.

"Hey you fucking liar.Were you in my room while i was asleep and took a necklace and put it in Adrianna's room?"
"Okay, uhh first slow down. and i am not a liar. but yes, i was."
"You didn't tell me this because?"
"It slipped my mind.."
"Okay, are you screwing with us or is she really a witch?"
"She's a witch."
"Get your face over here, now."
"My face?"
"Just get over here!"

"Hey ladiesss."
"Shut up! and sit!"
we both slapped him and he fell off the couch.
"OW! my gosh..."
"You flipping dipwad! why didn't you tell me!?"
"I told you it slipped you mind!"
"Well you better start grabbing a hold of things! if you cant tell me things like this, then how the flip am i supposed to trust you?"
"Look, Nothing will really change.  well, except ......" he mumbled that last bit so  i didn't hear what he said.
"she w...... and tomorrow her .... will be ......"
"Okay, this is my life so you need to stop being a fucking wuss and tell us like a man." I couldn't help but laugh when Adrianna said that.
"Okay! Her powers will be complete tommorow night! and She'll be able to do almost everything you can Khloe."
"Nothing different than everything else that's going on."
"Okay, okay."
"Adrianna, you good with everything?"
"Well you're the one who is a witch of our little creature gang. anything painful?"
"Then okay, thats good. Well since you have to kill that bitchface tomorrow, ill let you rest. Night Khloe."   she hugged me and it was good to know that Adrianna didn't abandon me either. She climbed out of the window and i was left with Aiden.
"So, Uh...that's your cue to leave..."
"I brought you this..." he put a long bag with a hanger in my closet.
"Just uhm...dont open it till tomorrow, I want it to be a surprise."
"Got it."
"Okay...." He started to climb out the window when I said the thing i could to not make everything awkward.
"Thank you....For everything."
"No problem. Just uhm....don't have any nightmares."
"That's kind of impossible to do when im living one.."
"Right..." He climbed out of the window and that was the end of the last night everything would be normal...or at least normal for me again.

My alarm went off. i pushed the snooze button and pulled my blanket over my head. I guess i was thinking if i didn't get out of bed, this day wouldn't start. But i had to get up.

I walked into class listening to Boyfriend by Ashlee Simpson, and i changed the song mostly because of the fact i started to get mad because i was getting jealous of Marie and Brandon, ugh get a hold of yourself Khloe. You are turning into a bitch. The song Changed to Panic Switch, finally, a song that fits my mood. I couldn't help but feel like I forgot to do something, But i dont think i d-----SHIT! I forgot to look at the outfit, well i guess im good, i mean in my dream, the whole "battle" wasn't until tonight,so i just relaxed.
I gave the nurse some lame-ass excuse that i was feeling sick and thankfully she gave me a pass for the rest of the day, which of course was a lie. I ran home and sat on my bed staring at my photo-album. cheesy?-yes ,helpful?- yes.
i got a picture of Adrianna and Zach sitting next to eachother and smiling, they were amazing together hahha. and i got a picture of Marie and Brandon too.  I started to wonder just what it would be like if I do die,as soon as i thought it, i erased it. I can't be thinking like that if I wanted to win. Amara was NOT going to win.
"Hey Zach"
"Okay, You and me don't talk that much."
"That is true."
"I wanted you to know that even though we don't really talk, You're still My friend Khloe, and i dont want you to die."
"Uhh....Thanks Zach. That's really sweet...."
"And uhm....If you want, we will be your little army if you want."
"Wait wha---" I stopped and smiled when i saw all of my friends walk into my room. wow, we were actually gonna do the whole plan thing. My life was becoming a movie. I got up and hugged all of them.
"Okay wait. There is one problem..."
"Which would be?" Aly questioned me, which was something everyone was thinking
"We have less than 12 hours to decide our "Plan" "

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