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So so so sorry if its bad

I was speaking with Alastor when he started to pet my ear, i purred an leaned into his touch absolutely adoring the affection yet i felt bad for only me enjoying something so i reached up and started to pet his ear in return which got him to freeze up yet i continued to stroke and pet his ear which flicked a few times.

I continued to pet and he continued to pet. We were petting each other in the corner of the hotel lobby.

I felt my tail pop out of hiding and wag quickly yet i just couldn't help but not worry about it as i was more focused on the affection and loving i was giving an receiving

I heard a cough an felt a hand on my shoulder making me open my eyes to see that Alastor was starring into my eyes with lil hearts in them, i felt my heart speed up and vision get fuzzy still i couldn't help but not notice that i wasn't the only one with my tail out in the open. I bit my lip and leaned in closer to him as he did the same with a hand still slowly stroking my ear and his other free hand resting on my cheek yet with us still leaning in closer and closer and closer until-

A cough made us pull back both of us freezing up the same way, i looked over and saw that Niffty was there watching us with a lil feather duster in her left hand while the other was in a fist while a light blush was on her cheeks an a wide smile on her lips.

I tucked some hair out of my eye and looked at the floor. Niffty started giggling. Alastor opened his mouth to say something but her gasp cut him off as she zoomed on over and fluffed Alastors tail an then mine an so fourth making my cheeks heat up an turn a right red, Niffty squealed and kept fiddling with our tail fluffs before Alastor huffed and pulled me away ushering Niffty off to do some touch up cleaning in the upper level rooms.

I hugged Alastor wrapping my arms around his torso with a flick of his ear and a touch of red to his cheeks he placed a gentle kiss to my forehead. I on the other hand was wondering what the others might think? have they seen? what am i gonna do? is Alastor okay? what will he say to them? what will i say to them? did they even see?-

Suddenly a high pitched whistle sounded out throughout the room making everyone snap there head to the source who was standing with pride and a hand on his hip while the other three hands layed at the males side.

" Damn pimps, didn't know you had something else to offer~!" Angel Dust winked and licked his lips as he strutted on over and tugged on my tail making me yip in shock and shake my head 'No' Alastor moved me aside as Charlie rushed over and examined Alastor tail tugging and pulling at it checking it out in every so angel all while gushing about how cute it was, Angel was stroking mine with such long pulls trying to get some other sound out of me.

I was biting my lip and blushing brightly at this type of touch, it was different an foreign.

" Its just so soft an fluffy, how in hell haven't i noticed this eye catching attachment before!?" Angel exclaimed mad at himself but also oh so interested

Alastor pushed Charlie away from himself and pulled me to his chest my back to his front he stepped back a few.

" No more touching please." He said passive aggressively.

" Aww, come on now Al! Your tails are just so adorable!!" Charlie said while schussing her cheeks

" They're cute ya pimp, they also could come in handy considering they're sensitive..." Angel started to concock a plan, a devious plan.

Alastor narrowed his eyes and Husk laughed enjoying this torment to the fullest

" Karma for all the shit ya done" Husk continued to laugh his ass off as i whined and shimmed back more against Alastor

I can't say that i didn't enjoy the affection, attention an touch. I-....I just can't say that i did not.

This went on for a good while.

---3rd POV---

" Aww, but Al! come on~ I just wanna have some fun with him yknow and you ain't gonna let up anytime soon so lemme teach him the ropes an how to do some certain things" Angel purred out an gave Alastor a playful wink

" Do not touch him." Alastor warned while gripping his fist tightening together

" And why not~" Angel said teasingly

The world around the two went dark and radio dials appeared around Alastor with his head clicked to the side and his eyes pitch black Angel felt a chill go up his spine

" Because if you fuckin touch him I'll rip your dick off and shove it so far up your ass, you'll be coughing cum for a month."

" H-Hey Al! c-could you come here for a-a second?" Ally called out with teary eyes as Niffty had him cornered with Charlie at her side, he could see Vaggie standing back with her arms crossed obviously enjoying all of the drama while Husk sat at the bar grinning.

" Sure thing!" Alastor said and came to the smaller deers rescue.

Alastor picked Ally up bridle style and with a blink of an eye the two bucks were gone an in the red ones room, Alastor placed Ally down as they both stripped the coats and slipped their shoes off before crawling into bed to snuggle after the day of trauma.

Alastor stroked Allys side going up an down with dainty fingers until going down to the blue dears hips and rubbing circles with slow strides of each finger one at a time before going further behind and gripping the tail that was hidden behind.

Ally lit up with blush and yelped quickly biting his lip trying not to let his whines of pleasure be heard afraid of his mate might say, afraid of disapproval at the most.

Alastor chuckled and pulled Ally closer to his figure holding his tightly yet gently up against him enjoying the feel of his lover.

" I love you, i love you so so so much my darling" Alastor murmured into his lovers neck as Ally purred in approval

" I love you oh so much more my bambi"

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