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" ~ My hands pluck the things that know that i need, i take the sugar and butter from the pantry I add the flour to begin while im hoping to start then its down with the recipe and bake from the heart...~ " I hummed the rest of the tune as i made my way around the kitchen preparing some baked goods, which i was great at i might have to add.

I loved musicals when i was alive and that passion had followed me whenever i went, to hell, to this hell and i am not prepared to give that profession up just yet

I have even taken interest in the more modern types of shows take Hamilton for an example or 21 Chump Street or Waitress or Six or HairSpray and so forth...

I hummed the tune forward as i continued on my course.

I held the mixing bowel under my arm as i mixed it i had traded my dark blue dress coat for a bright pink apron i had flour everywhere and some pieces of sugar stuck to my face as i placed the mix onto a baking tray after laying the baking paper down and i let the mix drizzle down onto the pan then i placed it into the oven and setted the right heat, volume and timer up i was officially on my way to making some of my famous cupcakes. i had the icing in the fridge just waiting and the rainbow sprinkles were on the counter beside me. I sighed out.

I'm fantastic at making pastrys. Nothing else thought.

I hummed lightly as i made my way over to the fridge checking up on the frosting before leaning back against the counter

" Well, I think I've done pretty g-good so far" I smiled to myself as i suppressed a light laugh

I hummed and looked at the doorway to see my one and only standing there

" Good evening, darling!" He greeted walking over to me

" Hello b-bambi!" I waved and dusted my hands onto my apron

Alastor made his way over to me and placed a kiss to my cheek i hugged him looking up at him, he narrowed his eyes.

" You...your such a little-" Alastor chuckled and i nuzzled his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me firmly up against him

" I love you Bambi" I said slightly muffled by his hair, he hummed in approval and chuckled

" I love you oh so much more darling" He whispered as he peppered me in kisses, i let out a light laugh and wrapped my arms around his torso

" You smell sweet? where you making something love?" He asked
" I-I was making cupcakes" I answered

" What type?"
" I haven't p-placed the frosting on yet s-so..."

" Oh! what flavors?"
" Chocolate, st-strawberry, vanilla and b-blueberry!"

" What flavor d-do you want Bambi?" I asked

Alastor tightened his grip on my waist and nipped my neck through my collar causing me to let out a soft gasp

" Yours."

He grinned as i whimpered, he used one hand to fold down my collar before feeling something wet slide up my neck causing me to freeze up

" A-A-Alastor!" i shoved my face into his chest as he dug his teeth into my neck biting it before sucking at my soft spot.

I felt myself get hot as he licked my small wound over once again before hearing voices nearing, he separated himself from me and adjust my collar to its rightful placement

He hummed a chuckle " You taste..." He gripped my chin pulling me in close " Heavenly." He kissed me shortly but before i could kiss back he pulled back and nuzzled my cheek " MY deer."

He pulled back and stepped back causing me to stumble a bit since i was leaning forward oh so far

The oven dinged and i snapped out of whatever daze i was in an rushed over to the oven turning it all off and grabbing a towel pulling the tray out and placing it onto the counter before finishing up the frosting an tidying up all while Alastor slipped away.

Angel was seated on the counter beside my tray of freshly frosted cupcakes looking at me with a smirk an narrowed eyes

" Do the thing."

I looked over at the spider demon with an eye brow raised in question

" What thing?" I asked genuinely confused

Angel rolled his eyes " Y'know" He shrugged making a grunt sound " The thing that makes me happy"

I looked at him for a bit until- " Oh!"

I sighed an got myself siked up and smiled

Angel was about to tear up " Thanks Toots"

I chuckled nervously and shimmied my way out the kitchen with my cupcakes on a dinner plate

I entered the main room and placed the plate on the table infront of Alastor before hugging him from behind, wrapping my arms around his neck an nuzzling him while doing so.

" Darling?" Alastor questioned, i only hummed in response to him

" You finished our baking, they smell AND look delicious! Well done!" Alastor praised me as i blushed and bit back a goofy grin as i continued to nuzzled him

I stepped back as Alastor tried a blueberry flavored one smiling wider and humming in approval

" And i was right! they're beyond delectable!" He said happily as i let out a joyful sound

Angel swooped over an pinched three pastry's an started to eat them up " Wow toots! nice job, these ain't half bad" Angel praised and winked at me, i nodded an gave him a small smile

Let's just say that the whole after noon was filled with sweets and praises. Not to mention sexual comments.

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