Chapter ThirtyFive - Is it really worth it?

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- A Few Days Later -

Killian's P.O.V

As Cali and I both laid in bed sleeping against each other I listened as her phone continuously rang on the night stnad, trying to ignore the situation I pulled her into my chest getting a bit more comfortable. 

"Baby." I heard her soft voice call out. "You not gone get that?" 

"It ain't even my phone." I placed my head against her chest. 

"Please baby."

I slowly made my way out of bed sighing in frustration, I was tired and so was Cali so whoever the fuck that was, wasn't 'bout to get the nice Killian.

Walking over to where the phone was I quickly answered it placing it on speaker.

"Wassup beautiful." I heard a deep voice speak through the phone.

"Who the fuck is this?" I asked while looking over at Cali as she got up from bed.

"Yo' put Cali on the phone." He replied in anger.

"Nigga is you crazy, you must have gotten me fucked up." I spoke through gritted teeth. "You come here calling my girl's phone four in the fucking morning talking shit, nigga you must not wanna live." 

"I'm suppose to be scared or some shit?" He chuckled lightly. "Let's not forget who had her heart first." 

Looking over at Cali I watched as she bit down on her bottom lip nervously while looking towards me.

"Yeah nigga, you had that shit back then an' now it's mine." 

"Baby calm down." She walked over to me placing her hand on my arm. 

This nigga done tried me so much that I was beyond ready to fuck his shit up.

"Cali Imma call you back." He interrupted us both. "Don't forget what we talked about the other day." 

We both listened as he quickly hung up. 

"What the fuck he talking 'bout?" I looked down at her. "You tellin' this nigga shit that goes down in this house?" 

"No baby." Looking over at her all I could see was fear in her eyes. "I promise you the last time I saw him was when all that shit went down with Zion at the trap." 

"Why this nigga still calling yo' phone Cali." I yelled out in anger. "I already told your ass about this shit." 

"What am I suppose to do Killian? You told me not to talk to him so how the fuck am I supose to tell him not to call my phone?" 

I quickly walked away from her throwing on something a little more comfortable, if she wasn't gone do shit about this situation then I'm gone handle his punk ass. 

"Killian where are you going?" She asked calmly while walking over to me. "Baby please, don't do this."

"Naw Cali." I looked down at her. "This nigga then had too many warnings, I'm done." 

"So what? You gone kill him?" She asked while watching me pull out the gun stashed in our safe. "Killian, you can't be doing this shit, you got a daughter to think of now." 

"Don't bring Kai up in this shit Cali." 

"I'm not bringing her into anything, once your in it she's in it baby."

I shook my head disagreeing with her. 

"Keep all the doors locked while I'm gone, Imma lock the gate when I leave." I spoke calmly before kissing her forehead then making my way out of the house.

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