The Dress

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She's sitting in the same chair she used to sit before their divorce and it feels like it's been years not months... Yelda looks at her like she doesn't belong here, nothing unusual to that front. What's unusual is Kerem. He continues to care only for the professional reasons that brought her there, to his precious house, during his precious dinner. But she's willing to put up with anything. She's here with a goal in her mind and she won't leave until she'll accomplish it.

Their discussion is about the atelier and that's when she finds the chance to remind him the reason of her visit.

"Alright. Go to my room and I'll be there soon." He says as he continues eating. From outside you couldn't see it but she was boiling. His room. Like she's lucky that he's allowing her to go there alone. "Calm down Ayşe. Remember why you are here." She says and she walks in the place that she used to call home. Everything reminds her of moments and memories even the hallway...

And she's back to her old bedroom... Alone for now, but with a plan.

She brings out carefully the dress Hülya designed and sets it aside. Five minutes later she's dressed up and in front of the mirror. The dress is amazing. So beautiful and elegant. And then she hears footsteps approaching and the door sliding open. She puts a smile on her face, fixes her hair and turns around to look at him.

Kerem is ready to talk business. To be the responsible boss. He doesn't look when he walks in, he just opens the door saying "Well now that I had my dinner...." And then he's breathless. He forgets everything and everyone but her. His eyes are glued to her. He just stares at her without knowing what to say. He's also frozen to the door, it's like he can't move. Her voice brings him back from his dreamland.

"So do you like it? I personally love it but you are the one who had reservations about this whole atelier thing so?" She spins around herself to show him the dress better and he feels dizzy. She looks like she's out of his personal favorite fairytale. His princess.

"I... The design is nice." He says and he clears his throat. His eyes are roaming her body. How well the dress cuddles every curve of her body. How amazing her bust looks under the thin fabric...

He swallows soundly and he sits on the couch.

"What about the fabric? I remember you and Ceyda saying that you are afraid of the quality of them so? How does it look?" She comes closer and he moves away instinctively.

"The fabric.... I... I like it... Especially the thin one that connects the two thick parts at your chest...." She smirks and he shakes his head.

"It's a fine dress Ayşe." He says as firmly as he can.

"And what about the back? It's a bit open and a bit closed. Just like the front part. Maybe you want some modifications to it? Maybe we should do some cuts here and there to exposed more skin?" As she talks she gathers her hair over her shoulder and turns to show him the backside.

Suffice to say that he's suffering. That damn dress fits her so well he doesn't know how to handle it and himself. And she talks about exposing more skin. Like he doesn't have enough problems already.

"No" his voice is pitchy and extremely high. He clears his throat once again. "Must be because of the food I just ate. Everything is perfect. Just take it off." He says and he regrets it immediately.

Images start to float his brain. But in his scenario he's the one who removes it from her. He's the one that places soft kisses all over her body as he lowers the dress extremely slowly. His hands are making her shiver as she bends her head to the side to expose her neck to him. And when the dress is finally a pool around her legs he grabs her and he pins her against the wall next to the mirror.

"Earth to Kerem." Ayse says as she moves her hand in front of his eyes. He wakes up and her scent surrounds him. He blinks and looks straight at her eyes. It's the first time tonight that she feels her legs weak.

"Do you want to touch it?" She says as she sits next to him all confident again.

"Touch?? What do you want me to touch?" His brain is screaming 'please let me touch you' over and over again. His hand like it has its own volition moves towards her.

"The dress Kerem. That's our issue. If you like it, if you want some changes all that. So?"


"Kerem can you focus for one moment please? I really love the outfit but...."

"I love that outfit too. Especially on you..." he comes closer to her this time. So close that her walls are threatened. His piercing blue eyes looking at her with such intensity that she almost trembles.

She has to leave before she breaks. She stands up suddenly "Great. I can leave then." She's heading to change when an idea hits her.


"Hmm?" He says lost in his thoughts again.

"Can you please open the button? I can't reach it." She says and gathers her hair again.

He's approaching her slowly and he's behind her in no time. She feels his hands caressing her arms before he reaches for the button. She almost melts against him.

"Ayse? Maybe you could stay a little longer? To discuss the details I mean." He opens the button and she feels the fabric relaxing over her body. She turns to face him and the shoulders of the dress fall. She manages to stabilize it over her chest just in time using her hands.

"I thought we were seeing eye to eye. You changed your mind?" She asks but he doesn't listen. His eyes are focused on her hands and on what will happen if he takes them away. Will the dress fall? Will she be naked in front of him?

"No we do." His voice is deadly lower but this time he doesn't bother to hide it. "I thought maybe you wanted to stay for dessert..."

"Dessert ... Hmm Gonca waits for me so raincheck? I'm sure there will be more dresses you'll want to see and discuss." She says and hides behind the curtain to change.

She's out in no time. That short skirt of hers is making it difficult for him to let her go. But he doesn't have a chance to say anything.

"See you tomorrow at work Kerem. Goodnight." And with that he's alone.

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