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26/5/380 HEC

What Alice Synthesis Thirty awakened to was nothing short of a miracle. Prime Senator Chudelkin and the Administrator were nowhere to be seen, but that is to be expected after that great battle occured. Kirito, who had his arm cut off, was lying on the floor, unconcious. He seemed to be fine, to her great relief. Missing a limb, but fine.

What surprised her, however, was the flaxen-haired boy that was standing by Kirito's side, tending to him with Sacred Arts. The same boy who had supposedly received a fatal injury during the battle against the Administrator, who should've perished due to how severe his condition was. What surprised her more was the fact that the blue swordsman's life seemed to be full despite the injuries he sustained. Just exactly what had happened when she had been unconscious?

Alice got up and approached the two swordsmen she fought together with. The clanking of her armour caught Eugeo's attention, who immediately turned to face her. Without wasting any time, Alice asked a question Eugeo knew was coming.

"Just... How are you still alive? I thought High Pontifex Administrator bisected you in half. There is nobody who is capable of healing such a wound, and even then there is nowhere near enough spatial resources here to be used for Sacred Arts."

Eugeo sighed. "Kirito prolonged my life for long enough so that he could use the Administrator's tablet to fully heal me. Alice's... ", he shuffled awkwardly, knowing that the Alice here, though having the exact appearance as his crush and has the same name, is a completely different person. "Alice Zuberg's memory fragment was absorbed by your sword as well, most likely the doing of Kirito when he was trying to heal me."

Alice frowned. Eugeo's explanation made sense, but there was still something she didn't understand. "How did Kirito know how to use the tablet? What is the purpose of it anyway? Did Kirito tell you anything about that?"

"That's what I want to know as well. After I was completely healed, Kirito just told me how the "Outside" he said he came from was a completely different world to ours, and afterwards, he did something with the tablet again, and these voices just came out from the tablet. He was communicating with those people, but I didn't understand anything they were talking about. The only two things that I did get, is that those people were most likely in the middle of a battle of sorts, though it seemed completely different to the fights we had. The second, is that they wanted you for something, though I don't know what. They told Kirito to take you to the World's End Altar, to the south of the Eastern Gate. After that, the voices just stopped."

"... I see. That's very confusing, but I guess the only thing we could do is to wait for Kirito to wake up and explain what is going on." Alice was deep in thought. Just who were these people who wanted her, and why? She sighed. "Anyway, it's nice to see you alive. "

Eugeo smiled at her. "Thanks, I guess. You helped a lot with the fight against the Administrator, so thank you for that as well."

Though Eugeo could see that Integrity Knight Alice was a good person, he couldn't help hut feel awkward around her. Based on her brief conversation with the High Pontifex, he could tell that Kirito probably told Alice about the Integrity Knights' origin and most likely her past before she went through the Synthesis Ritual. They both knew the main reason why Eugeo came to the Cathedral in the first place was to free Alice Zuberg, and that with Integrity Knight Alice occupying the body of Alice Zuberg, there was no way of her reuniting with him.

Alice already knew how Eugeo felt about her, judging by the awkward glance he was giving her. Alice had already made her decision to return the body she borrowed.

"Eugeo. I don't really know you well, but I have a good guess about how you feel about me. Don't worry. I swear to you by the Goddess Stacia that I would definitely return this body that I had wrongly stolen." Eugeo was now staring at her, stunned. "However, I have a request. As an Integrity Knight, my one and only duty now is to protect the Human Empire. Before I leave this world, I would like to fulfill my duty and bring peace to the land. I would also like to visit Rulid at one point, and meet Selka Zuberg, my sister. Well, if that is if you find this reasonable, of course."

{DISCONTINUED} Aliczation Rebooting: Sword Art Online Where stories live. Discover now