Eugeo and Eydis - One Shot

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AN: I low-key forgot that this existed. Enjoy, I guess. Yes, I'm working on c5. I'm still busy with assessments and stuff so don't expect the update to be coming any time soon.

Eugeo was scared. Scratch that, he was absolutely terrified. He thought that maybe Eldrie or that knight named Nergius would secretly kill him after the meeting. He was quite scared of the thought, but nothing could compare to the nightmare he is going through right now. Heck, he'd rather face the Administrator again rather than suffer through this.

Currently, he was hiding on the 10th floor of the Cathedral, inside one of the cupboards of the Great Kitchen, where the Sacred Art apprentices usually dined. Hiding from that overly affectionate knight known as Eydis Synthesis Ten.

Why, just why was that woman chasing after him? Kirito was also the childhood friend of Alice Zuberg, yet he was able to escape from the same wretched fate of having that scary woman. What the hell happened to "Even if I regain my memory, I would be here to support you"? Wasn't he supposed to be the one who attracted all the girls? Even back when they were guards in Zakkaria, the children and women were always so kind to him, whilst paying no attention to Eugeo.

'Goddess damn it, Kirito.'

He mentally cursed at his best friend as he tried his best not to make a noise and be noticed by the knight that was pursuing him. Earlier, his so-called best friend only gave him a teasing look, making no attempt whatsoever to hide his amusement at the situation.

"Stay cool, Eugeo."

After saying this while tryng not to laugh, he was then taken on a proper tour of the Central Cathedral by Alice, who didn't act much better than he did. She only shook her head and gave Eugeo a look filled with sympathy, amusement and something else. Gratitude, perhaps? Damn, now he couldn't imagine the amount of pain and suffering Alice went through as well. Oh well, even then, he was still grateful to Kirito for teaching him the... What did he call it? The secret technique of running away, was it? He always wondered what the point of it was, but at least now he knew.

Despite that, he knew Eydis was a good person. After all she was the only one who didn't give himself or Kirito the same judgemental look that everyone else gave them. Even then, after they became knights, Eydis utterly humiliated Nergius and defended the two of them during the meeting when they were discussing how to handle the invasion. However, the self proclaimed "Older Sister" of Alice still scared him quite a lot, though Kirito seemed to love her. Wait a second...

'She can't possibly be wanting to adopt myself, Alice and some other people into an imaginary dysfunctional family of sorts, can she?'

Well, at least everything made sense to him, but now, he was ten times, no, a hundred times more scared of what's to come once Eydis catches him. If he were ever to become the "Younger Brother" of Eydis, he would have to go throught the constant tackling, hugging, pestering, and goddess forbid, the damned head patting... The very thought of that made the teen shudder. He at least knew one thing he should do if he were ever to escape the clutches of Eydis: smack Kirito in the head for abandoning him, then avoid that affectionate woman at all costs, no matter what the circumstance.

Speaking of which, how long has it been since he went into hiding in the cupboard? Minutes? Hours? To Eugeo, it seemed like an eternity since Eydis started chasing after him, pouncing at him like a wild animal whenever she got close. Damn, he had to thank Kirito for teaching him the secret technique of running away after this, that's for sure. If only he had his Blue Rose Sword, then his life would be so much easier. Its Armament Full Control Art was more than enough to stop Eydis in her tracks. After all, its eternal ice was capable of even freezing Deusolbert's Conflagrant Flame Bow even under Armament Full Control state. Only the pfrom the Fragrant Olive Sword was able to destroy the ice completely. Alas, the sword was sent to the sword smiths for reparations, having been snapped in to in its previous battle against the Administrator. Still, Eugeo finally made his decision to leave the cupboard, having no desire to remain in the dark, cramped space forever. Besides, Eydis probably stopped pursuing him and he would be safe, right? Right?

Oh, how wrong he was.

Upon leaving the cupboard, he saw the very woman he was trying to escape from, Eydis Synthesis Ten looking right at him, her glittering red eyes staring right into his soul...

Eugeo paled immediately, and started furiously looking around the room, hoping to find a means to escape...

Only to receive a tackle from his side. How the heck did she get there so quickly? Yeah, he was definetly going to beat up Kirito if he ever survives this. The sweet voice that came from the Eydis behind him made him shudder in fear.

"Found you~". And with that, Eydis dragged Eugeo up the stairs, to the Operator, and finally arrived at the Morning Star Lookout on the 95th floor, which made Eugeo understandably confused. Wasn't she going to force him to join some kind of dysfunctional family? Hug him? Give him the goddess forbidden head pats? His confusion grew when she opened her mouth again.

"So, Eugeo. Do you know why I brought you here?"

"Uh... No?"

"Tell. Me. Everything."

... What?

Tell her what? What did she mean by that? The really didn't know what to say. What would Eydis even want from-

"Judging by your confused expression, I suppose you don't know what I mean. Tell me about Alice before she was arrested. I really care about her, after all. I want to know about her past as well."

Eugeo sighed in relief. So he wasn't in trouble. Good. Eydis really was a good person, after all. He immediately began his story after that.

"Alice Synthesis Thirty was once known as Alice Zuberg. She was raised in the Rulid Village in the North, and is the daughter of it's leader, Gasuft Zuberg. She also has a younger sister," Eydis lightened up like a Chirstmas tree at that. "Selka Zuberg. Alice and I were best friends and hung out every day when we were kids. When I received my calling, she'd always bring me lunch. Her pies were the best thing I've ever had. However, one day... " Eugeo's expression darkened at that. Eydis understood what it implied and stopped him.

"It's alright, you don't have to continue if it brings back painful memories."

Eugeo was grateful at that. He really didn't want to talk about the events that had transpired that day, as it still traumatised him. Eydis really was-

"By the way, from the way you looked when you described little Alice..." Her expression grew teasing as she finished her sentence. "You have a crush on her, do you?"

Eugeo's face turned into a shade of red brighter than Deusolbert's armour after hearing that remark. "N-no, Eydis. I certainly did not have a thing for her. We were both eleven back then, and-"

His words were ignored by Eydis, and after hearing what she said next, his face went to bright red to deathly pale.

"KYAAAAA! I HAVE A LITTLE BROTHER-IN-LAW NOW! I can tackle him and hug him and give him head pats and ohmystaciathisissoexciting!"

May Lady Stacia and the other gods from the heavenly realm have mercy on him and save him from this fate.

{DISCONTINUED} Aliczation Rebooting: Sword Art Online Where stories live. Discover now