Chapter 3.

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"my ma cooking was the best I have ever tasted, she taught me everything I knew about cooking but she was truly the cooking angle in my eyes" Hunk smiled sweetly as he remembered his mother cooking. 

"wow your mother must be a god if her cooking even better then yours" Keith smiled slightly and Hunk nodded with a slight chuckle.

"what about you Pidge, got any stories" Shiro asked with a gentle smile as he looked to the girl who sat on his left. 

"yeah come on pidge, tell us something about your mother. You never talk about family, actually your never talked about your past .. your a complete mystery to us before we were placed in the same unit" Lance spoke up and everyone looked to pidge. 

"My mother was kind but she was also very respected by the base. She was scary and super strong compared to the kind smile she used. She could always get grown men to stop fighting and shiver in fear just by frowning and god if you made her angry even god couldn't save you. She hated war and fighting, she lived her whole life not fighting that why others were amazed she married a soldier and lived on a base with him. My mother would play with me and my brother all the time during the day when our father wasn't training us to be soldiers. She would yell at us when we played pranks or spoke about fighting, we were the only children in the base since we were placed with an army so war and fighting was what most talked about on the base. But my mother earned the men respected with her ways of not fighting and proving life without fighting could be true but living her own life, she treated every soldier like they were her own child and looked after everyone no matter their age or gender. She was truly a great women who deserved a place in the heavens" Pidge smiled sweetly as she looked to the blue sky.

"what happened to her" Keith asked with a frown as the others notice sadness in the girl eyes. 


"To protector yourselves and to save your loves one in danger. But please remember the name I have carved onto the handles. Dont forget your name and dont forget the family you were given and where you belong. Never lose yourself to the blood lust" Colleen their mother spoke with a sweet smile as she placed the two knifes in her children small hand. 

"A knife but your against harming others" An nine year old matt spoke in complete shock as he looked to the knife in his hand, seeing his name hand carved into the blade brown handle. 

"My brave son and my sweet daughter, this war is getting worse and I fear I wouldn't be able to keep you both alive by following my peaceful path. Forgive me when I fail as your mother in protecting you and use these to live" Collen spoke with a sadden smile.

"Dont worry mum, we never have use for these but we hold them close so we knew your always protecting us" A six year old Katie smiled softly and the children hugged their mother, taking care not to stab her. 

"I was blessed by god to have such perfect children, now go play" Collen smiled sweetly as she stood noticing her daughter looked at her green handed blade, looking at her name carved within the handle. 


Hours passed and soon cries of pain and fighting screams were heard as the base was attacked. Collen running as she held her daughter hand, her son and husband running a different direction. Both hoping that at least this way on of their children would live. A meeting spot planned out between the parents before they ran and now Katie just kept running as the battle faded in the distant. 

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