|Chapter Nine|

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|Chapter Nine|

Maybe getting kidnapped isn't that bad. I have my own room, new clothes but I can only go where Kass goes, which is why he changed my classes, and I mean everyone calls me his pet now because I'm always by his side. But other than that, everything is going well. I get up and look at this picture of a girl, she has pale skin, black hair and navy blue eyes, she looks like Kass; she must be his sister. "Kass! Come up here right now!" I hear him come running up the stairs "What? Is everything alright?" I show him the picture "Oh, that's my twin sister Kassidy." "So this is her room? What happens if she comes back?" "She won't." a devilish grin spreads across his face "What did you do-" I cut myself off "I killed her; she was just a tad too nosy. We don't want people finding out what I do, now do we?" He winks and goes back down stairs. I hear the front door slam; I guess he's going shopping or something. I walk across to his room and open his door. Ok, so he has a small bed a huge desk and a mask on his bed. I walk over and pick up the mask, black gloves fall out of it. I drop them and walk over to his desk; it looks like a murder plan or something. It's labelled '#1 Alex'.

Uh oh, Kass is back and in my room "Kam? Where are you?" I tip-toe over to the bed and pick up the mask, Kass comes in "Why are you in my room, you know you can't be in here." I walk over him and push the mask into him "What are you gonna do to Alex?" He drops the mask and walks over to his desk "What do you mean? I'm planning something, I'm not going to hurt him, don't worry." He grabs my hand and takes me downstairs "Wanna go to the diner?" "Sure, I guess?"

I put on my shoes and go outside, Kass follows and unlocks his car, we both get inside and then Kass starts driving. "You realize the diner is the other way, right?" "Were going to pick up Alex." I raise one eyebrow "I thought you hated him" "I do hate him"

We pick up Alex and then we go to the diner. We all go inside and find a table to sit at "Can we order some food?" Alex makes a pouty face "Oh my god fine." Kass sighs and calls a waiter over "What would you guys like today?" "Uh, can I have a chocolate milkshake and fries, please?" Kass gestures for Alex to order next "I would like fries, a burger, and a strawberry milkshake" Once the waiter is done writing that all down he asks Kass what he wants "Uh, can I have a vanilla milkshake?" "Ok, that's all?" We all say yes and then the waiter goes to get our food. "What do you want Kass?" "Well, first of all, if you continue to bully anyone you're not gonna have much fun, yes, that is a threat and yes, I have about 6 different ways to kill you." Alex smiles at Kass "Like you would harm a fly" Kass stops twisting his hair around his finger and glares at Alex "I guess I'll just have to tell you how I will. First is starvation, Second is poisoning you, Third I could stab you to death, Forth I could literally feed you to wolves, Fifth is torture and last but not least is making you go insane and then hopefully you would just end up killing yourself. Oh and electrocution, I guess that was seven." Alex's jaw drops and I start laughing "You're joking right?" Kass turns to me "Nope, not one bit, and Alex, if you tell a single soul, you're dead." The waiter comes with our food and we start eating, nobody talks. I break the silence "You know these milkshakes are really good." Both Kass and Alex just nod their heads. Kass's nose starts to bleed and he goes to the bathroom, both me and Alex follow. We walk in and Kass is covered in blood "O-oh my god, Kass are you ok?!" He starts giggling "HAH! Me? Ok? Pfft since when? I'm as bad as it gets!" Alex runs out the door. "Kass, what the hell" He falls to his knees and starts crying "I'm sorry Kam, I really am." I walk over to him and help him up "Let's get you cleaned up and then we'll go home." I smile at him and he nods

After that ordeal we finally get home. We both get out of the car and go inside; his parents are standing there, so is Kassidy. Kass looks up and sees them, he stops in his tracks, and He looks sort of scared "Hi Kass, who's your friend?" His Moms voice is so comforting; she has black hair like the rest of them, but her eyes are bright green, his Dad's eyes are teal, and like in the picture Kassidy's eyes are navy blue. His Dad walks over to shake my hand "Nice to meet you, Miss Violett." Kass looks up and glares at his Dad "It's Mr. Violett by the way" I smile at Kass's Dad and he just glares at me and goes to the kitchen. Kass's Mom comes over to me and asks for my name, birthday and place of birth, she seems nice. Kass finally takes off his shoes so we can go upstairs to his room, Kassidy follows. I sit next to Kass so I can ask him about Kassidy, and like he said she was supposed to be dead, I guess not? I stop looking at Kassidy and look back at Kass, he's laughing at Kassidy "Stop it!" Kassidy yells, and then she slaps Kass. Bad Choice, Kass's nose starts bleeding and his eyes go all dark again "You know what Kassidy, this is why I tried to kill you. Your nosy, annoying and prissy, it's dumb." Her eyes widen in shock "Well then, this is why your only friends are the ones you keep in the basement." Kassidy rolls her eyes and continues "And that's why you can't get a girlfriend, I mean come on, you're 16 and single. That's pathetic." Kass stands up and walks out of the room, then she looks over at me "Wait do you like him?" I shake my head no. In response she raises her eyebrows "What? I said I don't like him." Kass comes back into the room and sits beside me, Kassidy smirks "So, what did I miss?"

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