John's home

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A/N I do not own any thunderbird characters all right go to the original owner except the characters I make up through out the book. Also special thanks to shadowdragonl44 who let me borrow the idea about the twins wich is coming up in the book.

Gordon's pov

The warmth washed over me I smiled, "it's nice to just relax and enjoy life we don't get to enjoy this very often." I said breaking the comfortable silence with just the sound of Virgil playing the piano.

"it feels funny to not have missions I like this," Xena said.

Alan's POV

There was a noise from in the hanger Alan Pops his head out of the Pool, "JOHN!" Alan screams he runs out the Pool and grabs his towel and runs to meet john at the space elevator. The rest of us followed him, when we got there Alan was squishing the living daylights out John.

"Alan... I... can't... breathe...," John chocked.

"Alan let him breathe ok," Scott said.

Xena instead of going to meet John she went to her room without being noticed, she sat in her hanging egg chair listening to music.

Scott starts panicing noticed that xena wasn't there with them. "Scott came down, she is probably in her room or in the training arena ok she is fine," Virgil tried soothe Scott.

Xena's POV

I went to the training hall and just started dancing theni did a really cool flip and landed wrong I landed on my leg and snapped the bone. I walked to the bench and sat down I had a drink knowing my brothers would be looking for me so I stayed until Alan walked in.

 the twin sister (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now