Just Getting Started

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hi there! sorry i haven't updated in a while, been focusing on exams that have just finished, so now i'll have more time to continue. i apologise in advance for the length of this chapter; studying for exams is really time consuming. there's also a lot of dialogue in this part, and i don't know if it gets confusing in the middle with who says what, so please let me know if that's the case, and i'll try make it eaiser to understand.


"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here in this part of town at a time like this?" The man with the gun spoke.
"Oh you know, just the usual," I lied, trying to maintain a strong facade. The gun was really starting to freak me out. "Getting away from creeps like you, stuff like that."
He chuckled. "Feisty."

I laughed dryly. "Well can you get the gun–" I motioned at my temple, "away from my head please?"
The man ignored me and motioned towards the other men. "Let's go."
Two pairs of arms grabbed mine, and I was hauled up to my feet.
"Wait, where are you taking me?" I panicked. The man turned around and put his hand on my shoulder. For too long. He smiled.
"My basement."

My eyes widened. Oh god oh god oh god, I thought. I struggled in the grips of the two men holding me, which only made them tighten their grip on my upper arms. My fear kicked in, and the most I could do was try to get their stinkin' hands off me! I pried the fingers of the man holding my left arm. The man froze, before falling to the ground, and I felt the familiar sting travelling up my arm.

"Wha-" the man on my right freaked out. I touched my left hand to his arm, before he toppled onto the concrete, meeting the same fate as the man who was on my left. The man with the gun stared at me with an impressed expression.
"Unless you want the same thing to happen to you, I suggest you back off," I said, feeling energised. He lowered his gun from my head and nodded.
"Noted. But I've been looking for someone like you. It will be worth it if you follow me."
"What if I don't want to?"
He smiled crookedly. "Some gentle coercing won't hurt."
I clenched my jaw. I wanted to get away from this place, and get back to my labs but it seemed like he wouldn't let me go unless I went with him. Oh, the joy.
"Don't touch me," I warned them all. I took deliberate steps, indicating that I would be going along with them. Well, this would be fun.


We arrived in a rundown warehouse, the deteriorating sign of King Subsidiaries lining the rooftop. Someone shoved a gun into my back, and I hissed back at them. I followed them inside and looked around in the dank, musty room.

"So...what am I doing here?"
The man beckoned for me to follow him. I rolled my eyes as we walked into a heavily sealed room, heaters lining the ceiling and walls. He powered up the computer in the room, and I asked him,
"Look, can you at least just tell me who you are?”
“Snart. Leonard Snart.” My eyes widened as my brain registered his name.

“You’re that guy! The criminal!” I remembered back to when I saw him on television, being hauled into jail for yet another heist.
He chuckled meanly. “Mmhmm. Glad to make your acquaintance, girl.”
“My name is Shea, not ‘girl’,” I snapped, before clamping my mouth shut.
“Shea. Nice.” He clucked his tongue. “So Shea, what was that you did to two of my men out there?”
I glared at Snart. “What makes you think I’ll tell you?”
“I bet you’ve been wondering what this gun can do,” he smirked, patting the barrel. “Haven’t you?”
I muttered a quick “yes”, clenching my jaw.
“Let’s make a deal. You show me what you can do, and I’ll show you what this can do.”

I stood up, scanning the room for a thing I could demonstrate my powers on. My eyes landed on one of his henchman standing outside.
“Hey! Henchman!” He whirled around, catching my glance. I beckoned for him to come closer. He cautiously sauntered over to where I was, occasionally looking over at Snart. Smiling at him, I proceeded to say;
“Hey. I apologise in advance. It’s nothing personal,” before I placed a hand on his forearm, watching his life energy transfer from him to me, up my arm, as he consequently thumped to the floor.

“Aw, he had such nice, firm muscles! Ah, too bad.” I raised an eyebrow at Snart, who was nodding in approval. “Now show me.”

He held up a hand. “Before I do, I want to add something to the deal.”
I rolled my eyes. “What now?”
“You work for me.”
I burst out laughing. “Me, work for you? That’s got to be the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard! Oh my gosh, I’m crying.” I wiped a stray tear away. Snart was staring at me expectantly. “Oh you were serious. Wha-why do you want me to?”
“Because I have a policy to not kill women. You obviously are one, and if I just let you off easily after I show you the gun -your stubborn attitude has prevented me of doing anything else but show you the said gun- you’d just leak me to the cops. And you see, I’d rather that not happen.”

I hesitated. “What sort of job would I be doing?”
“Bringing justice to this city. Central City is in dire need of saving from those who think they rule it. And I believe, with my resources, along with your powers, that we will be able to achieve this.”

I pondered for a bit, weighing up my options before coming to a decision: “Yes.” I had nothing left to lose, so why not? Not like my parents cared about what I was doing anyway.

Snart grinned. He powered up the gun, pointing at the downed henchman before pulling the trigger. A jet of ice shot out from the gun, engulfing the man in solidified water. I let out a surprised grunt and jumped back, my heart jumping wildly. I calmed down, smiling.

Snart placed the gun on the table, reaching out his palm for me to shake.

“Welcome to the Rogues.”


this is all a really long flashback lol it will get back to the present soon, and barry will soon be introduced officially!

thank you so much for all the reads! it means so much to me and i appreciate all your comments :)

can someone cisco-ify shea's name so she has an alter ego? dedication for the next chapter if you do!

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