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Amy trailed behind the group as they hopped into Theo's car. She wasn't the fastest because she was literally a living blob of cream. Sera used psychic to lift Amy into the car, and Amy took a seat beside Sera. "Alright! Where are we going?" Theo asked Sera. "I think the van was heading to Hammerlocke." Sera said. Cinder crossed her legs and started thinking. 'Is that one of her habits? I should note on that.' Amy wrote herself a quick note. Sera yawned. "Sera, don't fall asleep! You're our GPS!" Theo gasped. Amy felt Sera lean on her a bit, her shiny skin sparkling softly. Amy looked at Theo. "I think you should let her rest. Psychic types need their rest." She said. Theo nodded and started progressing towards Hammerlocke. "I feel like that logo that Sera drew to us... I feel like I've seen it before..." Cinder said quietly. "I don't exactly remember where..." Amy knew exactly where Cinder was talking about. Sera fell asleep, and Amy felt the weight on herself grow. Amy patted her on her hat and felt a bit... happy. Amy felt a smile rising to her face as she leaned on Sera and proceeded to fall asleep as well.

Amy woke up and stretched to Cinder's tapping. "Cmon, we're at Hammerlocke now." Cinder said. Amy nodded and tapped on Sera, waking her up too. Everyone got out of the car and started running towards the entrance to Hammerlocke. Cinder would've obviously made it first, but she tripped on something; more specifically, someone. She fell with an audible thud which drew Amy's attention. Everyone looked at Cinder, but Amy looked at what made her trip; a group of Falinks, but one of them were missing. They all looked shaken up and confused, and Amy immediately realized the one that was missing was the leader. "Cinder, are you okay?" Sera gasped as she used life dew to recover any damage she took. Theo turned to the Falinks and glared, which made them even more scared, but before he could say anything, Amy got in front of the five Falinks and glared back at him. "Don't you dare yell; they're missing their leader and have nowhere to go, of course someone would trip on them! Let them be!" She shouted. Everyone was silent. Theo sighed and turned to the Falinks. "Sorry about that, you guys..." He muttered while scratching the back of his neck. The Falinks nodded, a few years streaming down some of their faces. "What happened with you guys? Where's your leader?" Amy asked. It was silent for a while before the fourth one spoke. "Well, we were training because we don't want to be known as a pushover fighting type, but then this black van came and kidnapped Sun, our leader." It spoke with a feminine voice. Cinder gasped. "We're looking for that truck because it Pokenapped my coach!" She said. The feminine voiced Falink gasped. "We have a lead now!" It turned to the other Falinks. Another falink spoke up, but it's voice sounded deeper and male. "Could we uh... join you? Yknow, we actually know the location of where they're ending up, but without our leader, we don't know what to do, and we aren't strong enough without him, either." Cinder nodded. "Of course! We are gonna need a lot of fighters if we are going to face someone who is doing this. Plus, what's a falinks without the leader?" The five falinks squealed. "T-Thank you very much!" Another falinks spoke, it's small figure shaking. Amy assumed it was the one in the back. "By the way, names?" Amy spoke up. "Oh! Our leader is Sun, then we go from front to back; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Saturn, which is me, and Moon, which is the smallest and goes in the back." The earlier feminine one said as she pointed to each of them with her horn. "Amy! Lead the falinks the way after us!" Cinder said as she ran off, Sera and Theo following behind, and then Amy and the falinks after them.

Forbiddened Love (Cinderace x Inteleon)Where stories live. Discover now