Lawn Of The Dead (P. 6 Ch. 2)

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"Look, we don't have time for this. We need to get this flute out of Ethan's house," you state. "Before more of them come here." Ethan nods his head. "Exactly. Now, I told mom I would bring her the parmesan. Can you guys solve this... carefully?" you cross your arms; "Really Ethan?" He rubs the back of his head. "I'm sorry--" His voice cracks a little as he strolls over towards a long, light wood colored cabin. He opens the long door, only to be faced by a small dog with red eyes and a low growl. 

"Puffles--!" Ethan calls out worriedly before the dog attacks his arm. Ethan tries to remove it by moving his hand forth and back. Sarah calls out for him full of concern. "The counter!" You shout as Ethan starts bashing the demo-dog against the counter that was in the middle of the cuisine. It was rather big yet messy due to the kitchen appliances that were gathered on the furniture. "You really don't have any muscles inside of you, do you?" You snap at him as he tries to slam the dog once again, against the counter. This caused Puffles to let out a high-pitched whine. 

Sarah and you glimpse at each other followed by a nod as you run up to Ethan, grabbing the dog nor his hand as Sarah hurries over, pointing the water gun at the dog. "Now!" I call out as she half-way shoots it. The small ashes nor leash of the dog are now spread all over the kitchen. Not a second later, Ethan's mom walks into the room. Her eyes widen; "What the hell happened here?" She curses as all our heads snap at her. "Food fight?" Ethan attempts with a rather high voice. That's when Della walks into the room as well, asking for her dog's name: Puffles. 

"Shit-" You curse as you make an attempt to stand in front of the ashes. Her eyes fall on you before glancing behind your arm. you close your eyes, knowing she'd saw it. "P-Puffles?" You sigh softly and take a step aside. "Yeah--" Ethan's mom glances over at you, seeing ashes nor a red leash laying on the kitchen counter. Della lets out a whine as she runs off. Ethan's mom's attention goes back to Ethan as she crosses her arms. "Ethan, You better have a good explanation for this." She speaks with a warning tone. You could already see that he was in big trouble.

"Well, Ehm-- I should go. My mom's probably worried." You mention before running outside. You give Ethan's house one last glance before super-speeding towards Benny's Grandma's house, wanting some updates on Benny's wellbeing.

When you finally arrive at her place, you knock on the door. Silence remained for quite a while as you furrow your eyebrows. "Mrs. Wheir? Are you there? It's me, Y/n." You attempt once again followed by another knock. The only sounds that remains were crickets and the wind whooshing through the trees. You sigh softly and turn around before hearing the door opening. You instantly turn around, facing a guy that's taller than you with spikey hair, a green-black striped sweater, and a pair of jeans. 

"Benny?" You state with wide eyes. "What are you doing here at this hour?" He questions, "Couldn't get enough of the Weir-magnet?" He chuckles. You roll your eyes playfully. "Dude, it was madhouse over there." You describe as his smile disappears. "Oh man-- I should've been there!" He exclaims. "Trust me you don't." You cross your arms with a gaze of disbelieve as silence remains between you two. Benny slightly leans against the doorframe, glancing at you.

"How are you feeling though?" You require while looking up into his bright green eyes that were now dark by the shades of the trees that appeared the be in front of his house. "Could be better." He speaks nonchalantly. This is where you went stuck. You look down as you feel shyness crawling up your body. Benny remarks your sudden behavior and takes a step closer to you before placing his hands on your shoulder. "Are you okay?" He speaks with a suiting tone as you felt even more shy. You were surprised that a conversation could turn out like this in a split second. "Y-Yeah, Just-- Worried, That's all." You stammer, still remaining your eyesight on the dark shadows that formed a floor.

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