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"Return his backpack, along with his report, and I will give you my word to let it go through this time" Said T'challa calmly observing how the other two released the small boy and put themselves in a fighting position.

Thompson burst out laughing and threw himself to punch him in the face, which was instantly stopped in the air, just turning his arm around and putting his body in the opposite direction to throw it over a puddle of mud, luckily he managed to take the report and the backpack, giving them to the chestnut, and then preparing to fight with the "henchmen".

He raised an eyebrow to see how the other two "Friends"of this Thompson left the latter there and ran away, being follows instantly by there leader, could they be more cowardly?

"Thanks for your service handsome, but I had it controlled" Said the brunette, placing his back pack on his shoulder

T'challa raised an eyebrow thia time looking at the small boy, controlled? He was going to ignore that he called him "handsome"

"You are Anthony Stark Rhodey's friend" He commented, he didn't remember that the latter had mentioned the boys beautiful chocolate eyes, nor that flirtatious smile

"Yep" He said raising his shoulder

"My name is T'challa" He said approaching and taking Tony's hand like a gentleman placing a kiss on his knuckles

Tony's cheeks did not take long to turn red. Which was killing T'challa's neuronsneurons, he had never seen anything so precious.

"T'challa" He said in a curious question once he was released from the eldest "are you the prince everyone is talking about?"

"Exactly, I'm also a friend of Rhodey's"

'Prince' Tony repeated in his mind, the prince had saved himhim, and had kissed his hand later, never had anyone kissed his hand, and he never thought anyone would do it that way.

The truth was that Tony had heard alot about T'challa, of course Rhodey told him about T'challa, telling him that he was a great person, but even so he expected a capricious character, who would believe himself superior to everyone. But he wasn't expecting someone soso respectful, kind, and very handsome.

He kept seeing something stuck if he definitely didn't expect someone so handsome

T'challa also got something in love with the young man in front of him, he wouldn't bother to deny it, it was all adorable, something small, his brown hair was all in dissary, and his eyes, god, he could not help but keep staring at those so huge and curious eyes

"Hey!" The voice of Rhodey's was heard coming towards them placing his arm around the older boys shoulder "did you finally meet the little mess?"

"Hey" Tony complained when he heard that they called him a little disaster

"Yes we met" T'challa nodded, still thinking about how adorable the chestnut was with that beautiful pout on his lips

"The handsome prince saved me" Tony said all excited

"Really" Rhodey asked

"He saved me from Thompson and also saved my report that I have to deliver now" He took out his phone to see the time as if he had just remembered something very important "oh god I have to go if I don't want to be left out of class!" He exclaimed just before he started to run, but not before he yelled "goodbye Rhodey and handsome prince"

Rhodey raised an eyebrow looking at his friend

"What is with that name of 'handsome prince'?" T'challa replied raiaimg his shoulders while still seeing were the other boy went "old man, don't misunderstand meme, be thankful that you took care of him while I was gone, but if you fall in love with Tony, you better be ready for me to shoot you because you will have to get shot by him to get an appointment"

Thinking it was a joke that rhodey was saying, a spark In his eyes made T'challa doubt that he was playing. But even with everything he swears that not only will he be the protector of Wakonda, but also that of the Beautiful chestnut, he would be Anthony Starks protector

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