Chapter 2: New Moves

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•Natia's P.O.V.•

[Friday Night Smackdown]

"You ready for your first match?" Paige asked me. Today, i meet my favorite diva wrestler. Paige is like me, but less crazy and more my badass image.

"Hell yeah i am. I know what to do." I said, finishing up lacing up my shoes. My match was next after Dolph vs Fandango.

"Hey Paige." Someone said behind me. I turn around to see one of my favorite superstars, Dean Ambrose. He is just so crazy, and a lunitic, that i love watching him wrestle. He hugged Paige and looked at me. "Who are you?"

"Dean, this is Natia. She came from CZW and its her first match tonight with Alicia Fox." Paige said.

"Oh, well good luck out there. I can tell you can kick ass." He said.

"You bet. Thats what im best at." I said. I heard Alicia's song come on, so that was my cue to leave. "I will be back. Bye you guys." I said and walked to the gorilla.

"And her opponent, weighing at 165 lbs, and is from Rocksville, Maryland. Natia!" The announcer said. I made my way down the ramp. Some people boo, some cheer, some didnt know what to do. Wait until they see me fight. I got in the ring and saw Alicia glaring at me. Im not scared. All i do is beat peoples asses. Thats all i want to do. The Ref rang the bell and Alicia charged at me, which i ducked from her and clotheslined her. I ran to the ropes and bounced back and belly flopped her. She had got up and when she did, i punched her in the jaw. She fell and i pinned her, but she kicked out at two. Guess i have to do my signature move on her. I ran to the ropes and got ready to do my move. When she got up, i ran to her and did my scissor kick to her head and she fell. I pinned her for the win. The crowd cheered and the Ref raised my hand in victory. I walked backstage afterwards.

"Great job out there Natia." Paige said as she walked with towards me with Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns.

Roman is one of my favorite wrestlers. He is my only favorite. Dont get me weong, i like the other ones, but he was the main reason why i wanted to wrestle. He was more of a badass type. I decided to become a badass too.

"Thank you. That was a lot of fun too." I said

"Did great on your first match." Roman said.

"Yeah she did. She kicked ass." Dean said. We laughed at him. Of course he was the funny one.

"Okay so where is the food? Im hungry." I said. Paige laughed at me and they walked me to catering.

So we sat and talked. I found my sister talking to some divas. I sat and listen to Dean. Disnt know he talked this much. Its actually funny too.

"Okay Dean. Shut up already." Roman laughed.

"No man! Im telling you, Paige does have a crush." Dean said.

"No i dont. Quit saying that!" She said and hit him in the back of the head. I laughed at this. They act like brother and sister.

"You guys are so funny. You sure your not brother and sister?" I asked them.

"No!" They said to me. Roman and i laughed at them.

"I think the same too." Roman said.

We laughed some more and then Dean and Roman had a match next against Gold and Stardust. I know they will win that.

"Alright. Spill Paige. I know its Dean." I said to her.

"Whats Dean?" She asked looking around.

"Oh you know. You like Dean. I can tell." I said, while smirking at her.

"....Maybe." She said.

"Oh i know you do." I said.

"Hey!" Someone said behind me. It was Sheamus.

"Hey there fella!" I said.

"Did great out there for your first time wrestling in the WWE." He said.

"Thank you." I said. He smiled and walked away. " I think i need to change some stuff."

"Like?" Paige asked.

"Maybe my move. New slogan. I dont know about the outfit, but you know. Change some ring moves." I said.

"Yeah, that be neat. How about you go to the gym with us and you know, try new things out." She said.

"Us?" I asked.

"Well duh, its the WWE gym. Everyone goes there afterwards." Paige said.

"Dont duh me. I didnt know, women!" I laughed. She laughed to and we waited for Dean and Roman to come.


"Okay, now what?" I asked. We were at the WWE gym and all of the wrestlers were here. It was huge in here.

"Now lets practice on the dumby over here. You can kick and punch and do anything, even practice your new move. " Paige said.

"Okay. I feel like i know what my move will be." I said.

"How? Show me." She asked.

"Okay so im thinking, putting my opponents head under my knee, like where i bend it. Then i slam them down on to the mat. Like this." I said and put the dumbys head under my leg and slammed him down, with my legs on top. It felt good to me. "So what do you think?" I asked.

"I think its fantastic." Dean said walking up by me.

"Thank you Dean." I said and stood up. "I think imma call it 'Dont Care'. Because i never care in the ring."

"Sounds badass to me." Roman said behind me.

"Oh god, you scared me sir." I said.

"Oh! The badass got scared." Roman said with a smirk. I glared at him.

"Hahaha, very funny. I do get scared, some moments only. I mean everyone does in life. Its just me." I said. He had that look on his face that said 'yeah right'. "Oh shut up. Im new, your suppose to be nice to me."

He laughed. "I am nice."

"No hes not." Dean said.

"Ohhh, even Dean said you werent." I said.

"Oh, what does he know?" Roman said.

"Well he knew you long. You guys are like brothers." Paige said.

"Yes they are." I said.


I try to make it long as possible. Just to see how many reads i will get.





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