Chapter 4: Backup

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*Roman's P.O.V.*

Paige, Dean and i are watching Natia's match. It was getting good until Summer grabbed her. But i know she will gain control. Which she did at the end. She did great. Thats when the TV went black. Paige, of course, flipped out.

"Whats happening?!" Paige asked.

"How should i know. We can see what your seeing." Dean said.

Paige glared at Dean and hits his head.

"Really not the time guys." I said, and looked back at the screen as the lights came back on. Natia was on the mat, and wasnt moving and a chair was by her.

"Oh my-" Paige said and leaves.

"She just gets here and a diva already hates her? Wow, wonder who it is." Dean said.

"Yeah, i wonder too." I said.

*Natia's P.O.V.*

"Wake up Natia." Someone said.

Damn, what happened? All i remember is winning my match against Layla and then i blacked out. Weird...

"What? I dont wanna open my eyes. I wanna sleep some more whoever it is..." I said

"Well you still gotta get starts in 4 hours." Someone else said.

I open my eyes to see Paige, Dean and Roman. They were all looking at me. And i was in the hotel room, on the couch.

"Alright.." I said and sat up. "What the hell happened to me?"

"Uhm well...its weird because your match was good until the lights went out and then they turned back on and you were on the mat knocked out by a chair." Dean said.

"A chair?"

"Yeah, we dont know which Diva it is." Paige said.

"Its not a Diva at all.." I said. They looked at me with confusion on their faces. "Its not! Because the person that grabbed me was hairy. Unless there is a girl with hairy arms then...ew. And it kinda sounded like 3 people by me."

"So your saying that 3 guys came to attack you?" Roman said. I nodded at him. "Well guess you need some back up with you huh?"

"Maybe...i cant handle 3 guys i cant see in the dark. It could be anyone." I said.

"Why would 3 guys be targeting you?" Paige asked.

"How should i know, i just got here and people already hate me." I said, finally getting up. "Alright, im ready. Who wants to help me out tonight?"

"I will!" Roman and Dean said.

"Thats will probably seem like a Shield 2.0"

"But Seth already-" Paige said but i cut her off.

"A better Shield 2.0, thank you very much."

Roman and Dean chuckled. We leave the hotel to go to the arena. Hope everything goes well tonight.


I walked out to the ring with Roman and Dean behind me. I had a match against Summer Rae. And of course Layla was by her. I know im going to have problems with them.

I get in the ring, waiting on the bell to ring. But of course Layla and Summer are taking selfies.

Summer finally gets in the ring and the bell rings. We circle each other.

"Oh look its Natia with her body guards! Your pathetic!" She say and slaps me. I look at her with a glare and she steps back a little. I laughed and punched her right in the face. She falls flat on the mat. She looks like shes out, but im not done yet! No, we just started. I need to have some fun.

I grab her by the head and put her in a head lock. She trys to get out and grab the ropes, but i pushed her head into the mat hitting her nose. Might as well end this match i guess. I ran to the ropes and bounce back and did my signature move. I pinned her and won.

Nothing bad so far. Nothing happened yet. Maybe its because i have Roman and Dean by me. They must have gotten scared of them or something.


"Hey Natia." Someone said behind me. I turn around and see Vince McMahon. "Come to my office right quick. Nothing bad i just want to talk."

"Oh okay then." I said and walked with him to his office. I wonder if he is going to talk about what happened to me.

"Natia, next week we have someone who is coming back...a diva i should call her and she wants a match against you. She wishes i keep her name a secret until she has her match against you. Are you up for it?" He said. He sounded like he was scared. Now i really wanna know who it is.

"Yeah, i will do it. Thats fine."


I nodded and walked out his office, wondering who it is.

Bam! Updated! I know its been FOREVER only bc of work i havent thought about anything. But anyways, imma try to have the next chapter up tonight. MAYBE. Dont know yet.

Vote! Happy New Years!

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