Chapter 5: Surprise Not Expected

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*Natia's P.O.V*

[Monday Night Raw]

Im getting ready for my match against...whoever it is. A diva? Returning? Wonder who it is...getting really nervous. What if its Beth Phoenix or Eve Maria. Got myself worked up.

"You okay Natia?" Roman asked. I nodded and smile at him, when really in the inside im scared out of my mind. "You will do fine. Dont be so scared."

"I am scared. Out of my mind! What if i die?!" I said pacing back and forth.

Roman grabbed both of my shoulders and looked me in the eye. "Dude, i think you need to chill." Dude? Chill? Cant chill at all!

"What?! Cant do that! Im now freaking out!"

"Calm down." He said. "Look, if anything happens, we will be out there. We got your back baby girl."

"Okay okay--did you just call me baby girl?" You know, you here it on TV and you think it sounds so sexy. But to me, it makes me feel special and it still sounds sexy.

"Yeah pretty much." He laughed. "You hate that name now?"

"What?! No no no, its a very sexy word. I mean! Nice name!" I mentally slap my head. I cant think straight with Roman around me. He laughed at me again.

"Its okay."

"No its not. You distracted me from everything now. I dont even remember what i was worried about." I said.

"Thats good. Now you wont freak out." He said and smiled. Great even his smile is sexy up person.

"Thanks Roman. Your such a good person. When is my match?" I completely forgot everything. All because of his great looks.

"After Paiges match against Layla." Roman chuckled.

"Thanks. Dont laugh at me. I forget stuff."

"Really quick like that?" He laughed. I laughed at him.

"No stop laughing at me." I laughed. "Its not funny. Im hungry thats why."

"So you get nervous and worked up because your hungry?" He laughed.

"Maybe..." I said. I laughed at him. "What about you? What gets you worked up?"

"A lot of things." He said. "Things i will have to tell you later." He winked at me and left.

"So you just gonna leave me hanging?! I wanna know!" I yelled at him.

He kept on walking and yelled, "I will be back."



After watching Paige destroy Layla, i walked out to the ring. Nervous and ready. Just dont get why this chick didnt give out a name. It would make everything easier. I wouldnt be like this. Mainly because Roman messed me up. With his good looks and great smile and his nickname he likes to call people. He really messed me up there because i embarrassed myself, right infront of him.

Right now im just pacing back and forth in the ring getting pumped up.

Then all of a sudden i heard a creepy laugh...from a diva i knew to well. One that creeped me out. I look at the entrance to see her....Kharma.

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