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I'm so stupid, why did I say that ?

- What did you just say ?
- Nothing, forget about it.
- Did you ... ever thought about it ? he says hesitant.
- Huh ? About what ?
- Well you know .. about fucking with me, he says in a deeper voice.

I coughs, what did he asks that, it's not like I can tell him ? Unless .. no, no way !

- No ! I ... it's just slipped out of my mouth.
- Oh okay ! So you never thought about it ?
- No ... never.
- That's too bad, he whispers.
- What ?
- Nah, nothing, forget about it, I'mma go to sleep, see ya !

Did I hear right ? No it must've been me, oh my god, can we go crazy for thinking too much ?
If he knew the things I want to do to him, the way he make me feel.
I scratch my nape, I need to chill a bit ...


- What ?!
- But I think it must've been my imagination.
Well you should ask him, he says looking behind me.

I turn my head to see Jungkook walking towards us, a knot in my stomach appears when I lay my eyes on him, once he reaches the table at my right he puts his backpack on it and sits silently.

I look down at my table not daring to look at him, I hear him and Jimin talking about some random things, that's good, keep talking and don't notice my presence please.

I feel him putting his hand on the back of my chair patting it with his large hands, and I can tell by the noise that he probably have rings on his fingers, after a while he stops talking with Jimin, I dare a glance at my friend and see that he's on his phone. I feel a hot hand massaging my nape.

- Relax a bit would you, he whispers so  I can be the only one to hear it.

I close my eyes leaning my head backwards.

- That's it baby, he mumbles.

It feel so good that I let out a moan, I put my hand in front my mouth as soon as the sound came out, I look around thank god no one's paying attention to us, I can feel his burning gaze on me so I turn my head to look at him, that's when I feel his hand going up in my hair pulling them gently while we're still looking at each other.

- What are you doing ?
- What do you think I'm doing ? He tilt his head in a cute way while he's still still playing with my hair.
- I wouldn't be asking if I knew.
- Come on Tae, he place his thumb on my lower lip rubbing it, you know what I'm doing.

I look at his thumb touching my lip then look back at his face, he doesn't look me in the eyes, I let out a soft moan that finally makes him look at me.

- Hello kids ! I turn my head to see our teacher walking into the room.

We both clear our throat, looking straight ahead, I tilt my head to his side so I can see him, he did the same probably because he felt my eyes on him.

- So who can remind me of what we were talking about the last time ? The teacher ask to the class.

I look at Jimin who's still playing on his phone, did he notice that the teacher was here ?

I slap the back of his head.

- YAH ! He exclaims rubbing his head.
- Mister Park !
- Uh ?
- Would you mind being quiet ?
- Sorry sir.

He looks at me with a cold gaze, I mime a little « I'm sorry » to him.

- You snake ! He says to me.
- I was just trying to warn you, before he realize you were on your phone.
- Can you warn me gently next time, he leans towards me, maybe by touching my lips, he says teasing me with his mouth.
- And I'm the snake ?
- Mister Park ! Mister Kim ! Do you want to go to the principal's office ?
- I haven't done anything sir ! I exclaims
- So who's your friend laughing with ? The window ?

I pouts.

- Be quiet ! Both of you !
- Yeah, I mumbles giving Jimin a side glance.

I was focused on what the teacher was saying, Jimin was half asleep, since a while now, like half a class.

- Hey !
I turn to Jungkook still my eyes on the teacher.
- Mh ?
- Look at me.

I do it.

- What ?

- I would like to be a pen sometimes.

Uh ? Why is he telling me that ? That's when I realize that I chew the back of my pen since earlier.

I take it out of my mouth before looking back at him.

- Stop messing with me kook.
- I'm not messing with you.
- What are you doing then ?
- I'm flirting with you.
- I'm serious.
- I am too.
- You're straight!

He let out a cute laughs.

- So what ?

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