13) Maybe not so Dangerous

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This isn't good. Are they connected? Was this just a random thief or is it an accomplice? Will they come back with reinforcements? The questions swarmed his mind like angry bees. If they are in cahoots with the Loox, why didn't they try to help it? Did they tell the others? Of course they did. Sans knew he had to tell his friends. Well, friend and boss lady. Suddenly the scenery around him went from being in a bedroom to being inside A cafe. Humans looked at him funny. For he just had appeared out of nowhere. But the other monsters just gave a friendly wave and continued with their conversations.

Muffet was working the counter and saw the panicked look on the skeleton's face. "Dearie? What's wrong?" He made a beeline to the spider monster. "i need to get to smith". He didn't try to seem subtle about it. It's not like anyone here would know who Smith was anyway. Muffet nodded and took him back to the entrance of the hideout. "Stay safe" she said in a whisper as Sans descended the latter. When he made it to the tech room, his heart stopped. There was Smith. Sleeping. Her stupid face in her hands and quiet snoring could be heard.

"smith! wake up!" There was no reaction. Sans made a sound of annoyance and gave her a light smack on the head. Instantly she shot up and smacked him across the face. "oww! what the hell dude!" The short monster said as he rubbed his now aching skull. "Don't go around hittin me then!" The girl replied before putting her head back into her hands. "smith that dude we caught yesterday wasn't alone!" Her head shot up again and looked him dead in the eye sockets.

"How do you know?" He quickly explained everything. Getting the tape player, watching the crimes, then the Washua and it's coded notebook. It took him a minute, but Sans realized something was wrong. If Grillby was there, then how in the world had he not heard them. "where is grillby?!" The frightened monster asked. "I left him with the Loox to go decode what it was saying and I took a drink of my coffee but forgot is wasn't coffee and it was just water with sleeping pills in it that I need to use to sleep and I drank it and-"

"i didn't ask for all that smith!" Sans cut off before running into what he assumed was the interrogation room. Nothing. There was no one in the room. A white sheet on the ground, a table, and a chair. There was one other thing however. There was a syringe. There was nothing in it.

When Grillby woke up, he couldn't see. Or move. Or speak. He felt pain and cold. Specially in his wrists. He attempted to use his hands to remove whatever was on his eyes, but they were restrained. Bound with rope. Rope? How could it... Never mind. It was soaked in water. And cold water at that. Eventually he could start making out the voices of people. His kidnappers.

"Oh god dude I can't believe you did this!" Someone said. It was a male. They had a slight quiver to their voice. A familiar voice chimed in. "I don't know man! I didn't know what to do! Washua didn't even try to help me!" It was the Loox. It was quite obvious they were panicking. The first voice came back. "Bro you ACTUALLY just kidnapped a man! You know how much trouble we could get in for this?!?"

3 more voices came in talking over the others. But one cut through them all. "Guys maybe we should unite him." This was a girl's voice. It had a tone that basically said 'listen to me'. "Yeah but what if he does something!" The flaming monster had tried to say something, but then figured out why his speech had been cut off. There was a gag on his mouth. It must've been made of some fire resistant material. Instead of words leaving his mouth, they were muffled noises and sounds.

"Oh my god he's awake!" "Dude get his gag off!" "No! He'll yell at us or something!" "I'm doing it anyway!" Footsteps came in his direction. The gag was untied from his mouth. Grillby immediately began asking question. "Hello? Where am I? What do you want with me?" Grillby assaulted. The voices all began murmuring to each other. "Bro is he gonna yell?"

"I think he's mad." "No dip dipshit!" Swear!" "Ugh". It was like a chorus of voices all talking and different times and volumes. It started to get annoying. But the bartender remained silent. If these people were a threat, he didn't want them to do anything to him. Saying something wrong in this situation could lead to disastrous consequences. Not having a watch on him, and not being able to see it if he did, he assumed at least 10 minutes had passed. "Oh my god shut the hell up!"

The same female voice from earlier yelled out. He heard footsteps coming aver to him again and the darkness suddenly turned bright. His blindfold was removed. Behind it sat a group of monsters. None looked intimidating in the slightest. His eyes first landed on the criminal he had helped capture. It was looking down to the floor instead of up at him. Next to him was a Washua. It looked just as nervous as the monster next to it. Slightly behind the turtle monster was a Snowdrake and Vulkin. Still no one looked at him. Apart from one, a Madjick.

They didn't look nervous. Or scared. But they didn't look to confident either. They just looked like they would rather be anywhere else at the moment. It was the closest so Grillby could only assume they were the one who took off whatever covered his eyes. They spoke. "Sorry about your glasses. There right over there." This was the girl. The one who was louder than the rest. And sure enough when he turned his head, his specticals sat on a green crate.

"Oh and um...we need your help." There was something in her voice that Grillby didn't realize till now. It didn't sound mature. None of them did. It sounded young. That's when it clicked. They weren't some big bad gang to be feared. They were just a bunch of teenagers.

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