43) Making up

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When Moltor hit the floor, Grillby was shocked. He....he did it. Never in all his 500 years did he believe he would be able to best his father. Something deep inside his soul told him to step on him. To push his face into the dirt and force him to eat the ground they stood upon.

Like his father had done to him and his brother. He began walking to his old man. Slowly, he let a smirk fall on his face as he stopped right in front of the fallen monster.

Moltor opened his eyes. There was a hand extended out for him to grab. The bartender had a small smile on his face as he waited for his father to take his hand. His smile was returned as his dad was hoisted from the floor.

He wore a genuine grin. "There's my boy! I knew you could do it!" Grillby was taken aback when he felt the red fire elemental embrace him. In a moment of tenderness, he returned the hug.

Tears pricked the corners of his eyes. His father was proud of him. It made his heart swell with pride. "grillby!" Sans shouted at him. He was speed walking over to his sweetheart. "nice job g!" The hug was separated and both elemental's turned to the shorter.

"Thank you Sans." Moltor let out a small chuckle. "Yes that's my son for you. Tough as nails." Sans felt strange. It was weird to see Grillby and his dad acting like a father and son. His first impression of Moltor wasn't the best. One minute Grillby was being slapped, the next he was hugging the one who slapped him. It made him excited. For his dad to come back.

"Say Sans." Moltor began. The couples attention was put onto the dad. "You wouldn't mind if we had a sparring match would you?" The skeletons eyes widened. 2 matches in a row and this guy wasn't tired?

He'd also have to be mindful. Moltor seemed to be a skilled fighter, and with Sans only having 1 HP, he would have to be mindful in dodging. Grillby tried to interfere, but his boyfriend cut him off. "sure. i don't see why not."

The orange flame monster wanted to tell his father that sans did not have nearly as much health as he did, but they already were getting into position.

So with a sigh, Grillby jogged back to his family. He stood between his brother and mom. The air around them got tense. He didn't know what to say to his bro. But luckily, it seemed Blazer knew what to do.

"Hey man. I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I shouldn't have attacked you or acted that way to Sans. I'm sorry." Grillby smiled once more. He was going to apologize if Blazer didn't, even if he wasn't completely in the wrong.

"It's okay Blazer. I understand. Awkward sibling hug?" He questioned holding out his arms. Blazer sighed and grinned back. "Awkward sibling hug." They embraced before awkwardly patting each other on the back. When they let go, Blazer slapped his older brother on the back.

"Ey good job on kicking Dad's ass!" He earned a shoulder jab from his mother. "Don't talk about your father like that." He looked down and apologized, but gave grillby a look that showed that it was a lie.

"You know, I like Sans." Ash said cheerfully. "You got yourself a keeper. When do you two plan on tying the knot?" The bartender blushed before looking to the side.

Marriage huh? That would be the dream. Twice in one day he thought about taking the skeletons hand in marriage. Blazer smirked and bumped Grillby a tad. "Ahhhh grillby gots the hots for the skeleton!"

"Pfft we've been dating for months, of course I got the hots for him."

Ash loved seeing her two boys acting like brothers and not at each other's throats. "Well when you two do, I better get to be there." The younger brother added a 'same' before Fuka popped in.

"And I get to be the flower girl! Right uncle G?" Grillby looked down at his niece and gave her a pat on the head. "Yes yes of course you will sweetie."

On the outside he was smiling, but on the inside Grillby felt torn. Is his family normal? Well, of course not their all a bunch of flaming monster, but the way they act.

It's not strange to feel like he hates them one minute then love them the next. Walking in to the house at first, he bitterly thought to himself how much he wouldn't care if they wanted him and Sans broken up.

But that's not how it works right? He should have also been nervous and hopeful that his family would treat sans like one of their own.

He told Sans his father was not a nice man. He said that he hit Ash. But....now that he thinks back on it, was that a lie?

All the countless nights of him being punished as a child, all the times he said he hated his father. He can't remember actually seeing Moltor lay a hand on Ash. Maybe...maybe he just made it up to justify him hating his own blood.

Did his brother really hate him? He wouldn't have apologized if he did. He wouldn't look so happy for Grillby winning a match against their father if he did.

The memories of him and his brother wrestling when they were small invaded his mind. The memories of him and his father bonding over their love for television. The memories of him and his mother going on walks in the park. The memories of him holding Fuka for the first time.

It's not...does he....maybe he was in the wrong. Yeah his father is strict. And yeah his brother is hard headed. But... they don't hate him. Ash and Fuka don't hate him.

And he doesn't hate them.

Man I am really bad with keeping up with writing. Hi how are y'all? Good I hope. I think I would be able to write more if I was able to stay up later. But I can't cause of school. It's whatever though.

Okay idk where this sappy moment just came from, but I feel the need to tell you all how much I love this book and love you all. It keeps me going knowing that someone is actually excited to see something I have to make. This book is really special to me and so are you all. Giving me confidence to write and seeing you interact with each other makes me smile. Sorry for the cheesiness. Stay safe and stay healthy!

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