31 - Bender

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"And what can you tell us in response to reports that you and your brother are dating the Beaumaris sisters?"

Was this fucking chick for real? Was she even going to ask me about Polarstar's music? Was this an interview with a music journalist or a Page Six columnist?




"Nothing," I answered bluntly.

I got the impression of two raised eyebrows – they would have been raised if not for a liberal application of botox. The woman in front of me had the right credentials, she worked for a respected music magazine and sure as heck looked the part with her colourful tattoo sleeves and retro pinup style choices, so I could only imagine that she must have had a side gig writing for the tabloids and she was trying to kill two birds with one stone. She ploughed on, never losing sight of her goal. "It's interesting, we don't really know all that much about Kimberley Beaumaris, she's been remarkably publicity shy since she hit her teens. Is it true that the two of you met when she started working as one of your band managers? I believe she's close with Hero Connelly-Clarke, what does Hero think of your relationship?"

My god, this bitch wouldn't give up.

"We're really happy with the response to the new album," Gray interjected. Gray and I may have had our issues but if not for him, Josh and Ace I don't know how I'd have gotten through the last few weeks. It was a funny thing that my relationship with Kim which had looked to have the potential to tear the band apart when we'd first landed stateside was the thing that made us stronger as a unit. I had no doubt that those guys had my back and I was thankful for it.

Gray had managed jump into the car with Lee and me that horrible night when everything went to shit. Josh and Ace had followed close behind. I couldn't resent Gray in that moment, I was too worried. All Lee could tell us was that there had been an 'incident' involving a groupie and that Kim had been rushed to the hospital. If that was true I was ready to burn the band and the entire tour to the ground. If my career and my fame was going to hurt the people I loved I didn't want any of it. The look on Gray's face told me he felt the same.

I was already frantic when I arrived at the hospital, thinking that one of our fans had attacked my girlfriend, but it wasn't until I blew through the emergency department entrance that I found out the real tragedy of what had occurred.

Bas was waiting for me, in my overwrought state I could only blink at him in surprise. It had completely slipped my mind that with our two free nights in a hotel he'd arranged to fly out to spend time with his fiancée. He'd drawn me off to the side to tell me that Kim had suffered a miscarriage. It wasn't until Gray was at my side wrapping an arm around my shoulders that I realised that the inhuman howl that had echoed through the waiting room had come from me.

The next couple of days were a blur. Lucy and Bas may have forced me back to the hotel once Kim was finally asleep but the sunglasses covering my eyes the following morning weren't to hide a raging rock star hangover, they hid eyes that were red-rimmed due to a total lack of sleep.

Gray, Ace and Josh hadn't asked me any questions at the hospital but they'd waited, not leaving until Lucy and Bas had forced me out the door. I hadn't wanted to go but Lucy, as Kim's official emergency contact, was the only person permitted to spend the night. Even Bas's Hollywood clout hadn't managed to secure us a more favourable decision. Back at the hotel by silent agreement we all made our way up to the suite Bas had secured for his romantic reunion with Lucy. At first no one said anything, Bas had simply made his way to the wet bar and retrieved a bottle of Macallan Single Malt and five glasses. He poured a splash into each glass and passed them around. I'd gulped mine down in one swallow. He took my glass from my hand, splashed in another two fingers worth and passed it back to me saying as he did, "I'll give you that one because you've had the hardest of days but this stuff is made for sipping. Drink it slowly and let us share your load brother."

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