The Starting Point

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She had always told me to watch my back, there are always going to be bad people watching you. Never in your wildest dreams, would you expect what would happen next.

This all started in the early year of twenty twenty, (2020) when my sister Claire was out with our mom Annabelle. They always like going for their regular morning coffee like they usually do, because don't we all have someone we know that is a coffee addict? and man does mom get moody if she doesn't get her coffee.

Because of my condition that constantly makes me depressed, I usually never go out with my mom for her coffee so Claire dose it for me. We made a promise that we must never walk the city streets alone, sense it's dangerous and besides the point we didn't really know our way around because we just moved here nearing the end of the year (2019.)

The day my story truly began is on this day May first the beginning of May nearing into my birthday, where little did I know I'd never have to suffer lonleyness ever again because I would find someone who truly loved me or should I say loves me.

Now before I begin how I ment the one and only love of my life, I should probably start from the beginning of my life. Now not as far back from birth, but just as near to the day where things became a starting point for me.

It all started the day I found out someone was trying to kidnap my sister Claire in brod day light, and with my mom with her non the less. My mom and her like I said usually go out for coffee in the mornings, no surprise there but then all of a sudden when they were walking the street to come home a white van was following them and even tried to pull my sister inside.

Now I wasn't their so I don't know what happened, but luckily I do know she is safe with my mom and I that's all that matters.

Besides the point as I was saying my sister found out who it was, well not really who it was but had a pretty good idea on who it was. You see Claire my dear sister has a boyfriend who lives up in the United States some where, he used to work in a gang.

They whoever they are had asked her boyfriend to kill someone, now if he didn't they'd have no choice but to threat him (blackmail) to do anything they wanted him to do. But because he had never done what they'd asked of him, they had got someone to try and attack my family. Because my family lives close to the police station it'd be foolish to risk getting caught, so they decided why not follow them until I have a opportunity to attack. Now lucky again that there was no shooting invold and no one got kidnapped or injured, however something did happen that day and I'm going to tell you exactly what.

My sister just had gotten home and told me what had just went down I was worried sick for her but I knew I had to be the mature one in this case, because Claire was becoming an emotional mess overfilled with her own anxiety's. She had to face and most of them that I have no clue about, and yet still deep down I knew she had and still has a lot to face all on her own. (But would have I still been there, or would I have been dead along with all the sorrow I was facing?)

She had told me she didn't want to tell her boyfriend about what had happened or it'd just worry him, mom didn't know what was going on and I was doing the best I could to give Claire advice but would she listen to me no sense when has she ever have?

Now yes my mom was there with Claire  when the attempt had happened and was also worryed sick for Claire, but like I said Claire was the only one who confided in me about what had happened and mom clearly didn't know anything of what this ment.

As I've said before I have a condition that constantly makes me depressed, and because of all the pain I was in (still am.) Sometimes I'd feel completely numb in my whole body but I'd be able to still walk just not feel any pain, so because it's always a tiny chance that I would feel numb I usually stay home. When I do feel numb though there are side effects, once the numbness ends the pain I should have felt when I feel numb will hit me like a tone of bricks when the numbness effect wears off.

Now am I lucky? Hell nah but still because I had this curse I guess it did help me a lot in the future, but shhh no spoilers.

Back to what I was saying about my sister Claire, the next day they had went out for coffee (mom and Claire) and I would be usually up at this time waiting for them to come home. However this was an odd day for me sense I had slept in until the afternoon, and I was on my cicle that hurt like a bleeping bleep.

When I had woken up no one was home so I was getting a little worried, but once I turned on my phone and read the text Claire had just sent me all my worries dispeared. So being me who felt like complete and utter crap, I had took a shower, got dressed, went and went upstairs to watch anime on my phone. When all of a sudden I saw a man sitting on my bed stairing directly at me and instinly my body froze, he looked to be in his mid thirties and he began to speak to me a calming German accent.

"Hello Therrissa I'm Mac your ride to take you to my boss, please come with me quietly or I'm afraid I'll have to make you some other way" and he says this all with a small smerk in his lips his light blue eyes brimming with mischief.

Wait for the next chapter and please comment on what you think, if you'd also like please follow me so you will always be aware of more updates from me if I make any other books that you'd like to read.

Thanks for your support!❤️

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