You've got me now

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I walked towards Mac and thanked him for taking me away from this god for sale place and kissed him..

Eww no did you actually believe that? Instead what I did do is pretend I didn't see or hear him and went to my dresser to put on a warm baggy sweater, then went to the side right side of the bed sense he was sitting on the left and I crawled under the blankets and sneezed.

"Did you not hear me?" He had asked but I ignored as my body began to shiver, not my fault though it's still winter sense it's still snowing and my body dosnt take well to the cold. In fact it makes me in so much pain that I can't even get out of bed a lot of the time, that's why I've barely been outside well one of the reason out of many.

I rubbed my legs on the bed to create heat but it wasn't helping, so I rolled myself into a ball and sank further into the covers until not even my head could be seen. Yawning I turn on my phone and look at the time, mom and Claire aren't back yet maybe it's a good thing but I'm still worried so I sent a quick text.

' Claire why aren't you and mom back yet it's already two o clock in the afternoon?' waiting for a reply back, I go to YouTube and watch Full Moon the anime in Japanese. Reading the English subtitles even though it's a pain reading, YouTube my dear friend only had a few of Full Moons episodes in english dub and the rest were all subtitles. I guess I'm still lucky the subtitles are still on YouTube and not taken off do to copyright law, besides it's hard to find any good anime on YouTube that isn't in such a small tiny looking screen.

"You know it's not polite to ignore someone who is talking to you" Mac says as he leans over to me pulling the covers off my head.

{And you know it's rude to interrupt a Otoku, who is watching a really great anime and it's not even polite or illgal to break into someone's house and sit on there bed} I wanted to say that but I didn't, so I continued to ignore him partly because I'm afraid another part I'm anti social, and don't speak to anyone other then my family texting is completely different though I'm not so shy when it comes to texting.

I paused my anime and sighed "I'm so hungry" I mumbled to myself and hey it's not my fault I haven't eaten anything all day!

"If you come with me I'll get you something to eat" completely forgetting that Mac was right beside me and even could possibly hear my tummy rumbling, I became embarrassed but before my mind could wounder in the clouds I reseved a text from Claire.

Sorry Jaz won't make it home until supper there is food in the fridge if you get hungry. No there is not I looked in there plenty of times today hoping there would be something, but the fridge is completely empty!

Sighing once more I took a closer look at Mac and said in a bored tone "Oh your here who are you again? one of Claire friends? She won't be back for awhile her rooms the other one, I'm tired so leave me alone would you" I say the last part with a yawn and roll over playing the song ' NF why ' on my phone and somehow I fell asleep, now I knew he wasn't one of Claire friends. But he is indeed a intruder, dose he think I  know that? (No), and besides what's he going to do to a fifteen year old who fell asleep besides kill her? I don't think he would because he made it clear when I entered the room moments ago he wanted to take me to whoever his boss is.

"I'm here for you not your sister" he replied with a quick response, I was half awake so I grogly respond back.

"No one is here for me you tell lies, now if you aren't here for her then you are for my mom. If not then get the fuck out" I say this in a harsh tone, while covering all of myself into the blanket breto style.

"Why do you say no one would come to see you don't you have fri-" before he could finish his question I went into sleep mode again.


Arms were wrapped around me, I was being carried some where but I was to tired and sore to even care. It's probably nothing, Chan probably came home and lifted me to her room to sleep there. She is my second oldest sister who moved away, I hope she decided to come back forever this time. Thinking this I push my face against her warm chest and drift off again, the strong smell of cherry blossoms fill my senses lulling me to sleep.

(Unknown Pov)

"Did you Drug her?" I asked Mac as he passed me the sleeping girls form in his arms.

"No ser id never do so sense your orders were pisific" Mac replyed blankly I could tell a huge lump was forming in his throat.

"Then why is she sleeping so much it's already six o clock?" I asked another question while giving him the look ( I believe you)

"She seemed tired and cold before she had fallen asleep, pretty un- guarded like she usually is if you'd ask me. I brought her here when she had fallen asleep, after she told me to get the fuck out if I wasn't there to see her sister or her mother cuz she wouldn't believe I was there for her" Mac says while putting his hand under his chin looking back on what happened.

"Is that so Hmm." I mumbled as I go to touch to feel her forehead if she has a cold "she seems not to have a fever so there is probably something else bothering her" I said to Mac while motioning him to follow me up the stairs as I bring this girl to a room.

"Now that I think of it ser she seemed rather cold and her face held back tears in of pain" Mac added

"Tears of pain? Go do a clear research in her tell me what you find" I ordered Mac as I lay the frail girl under the sheet and lay next to her.

"Yes ser" Mac bows as he closing the door to the room behind him.

"Your safe now, the other gang can't lay there hands on you because of your families mistake you've got me now" I whispered to her while tucking a strad of her long wavey hair out of her face.

End of chapter

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