I wake from my night out and smile to myself that I had met a handsome stranger. I roll over to where my nightstand is and check my phone. "Hmm.. still no word from him. Just my luck!" I get up and stretch to the morning sun that is Chicago. I look around my room and notice a note on my mirror in my room from my so-called lovely roommate. "Rent due! I won't ask again or your ass is out." I crumble it up and make my way to the bathroom that we share and brush my teeth. I start a shower to start the day off and notice it's cold. I roll my eyes. "Sneaky little bitch. Using all the hot water". I wash my body and hair quickly as I begin to freeze underneath the showerhead.
I get dressed for the day and go down the steps of the fire escape to make a quick getaway, so that I can go as I please without my roommate knowing. I jump into a cab and make my way into the city and hear a ding from my phone and check to see what or who it may be. I smile happily as I see a text, "Hey, it's your mystery man from last night. Name's Damien by the way." I text back, "Hello Damien, nice to finally know your name. I've been wondering all night who you were".
"Geez way to make it sound creepy Layla." I sigh as I put my phone away and the cab stops. I look out and see "The Renaissance Society." I step out of the cab and pay the cabbie his twenty bucks and turn on my heels and walk towards the art gallery. I hear the squeals of my best friend, Rachel, me and her have been friends since our freshman year in college. She is a sweetheart and a loyal friend. She has helped me with bad break-ups and numerous jackasses. I smile at her as she hugs me with much gratitude. "Need. Air. Rachel! I'm dying here." She giggles and lets go of me. "Sorry girlie! I'm just happy this is finally happening for me." She looked into my eyes and quickly apologizes again. "OMG! Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up." She says as she covers her mouth apologetically.
I shrug at her, "It's no big deal. I'll get my chance, one day." I look up around the gallery at the eccentric pieces of art. The flow between the greens and the blues. The sadness in the woman's face as she looks at the painter. The blend of the tropics and the shades of gray. I relished the day that I would have my own paintings in a gallery like this. Maybe one day. I hope. I will soon help her with decorating the gallery for her show, that is tomorrow night. Hours pass, The room is now filled with whites, creams, and shades of blacks. It's to make the paintings pop out to the audience. To make them feel as if they are within the paintings. "Oh shit! I forgot to text him back." My eyes widen as I check my phone and see a text from this morning and numerous phone calls from my roommate and parents. I roll my eyes as I think, "Even though I'm 22 years old, my parents continue to check up on me and baby me. I left for a reason guys."
I text my mysterious stranger, Damien. "Hey, I'm so sorry I didn't text back. I've been busy up the wahzoo with this whole gallery thing for my best friend. I hope you can forgive me? :)" I anticipate what he has to say about my tardiness with our conversation. My phone dings, "No worries! The gallery is more important. You wound me with forgetfulness, but you will be forgiven if you go out with me to lunch tomorrow? ;)" "Geez this guy is smooth!" I laugh to myself. I text back, "Sure. whatever you would like sir. ;)"
Rachel invites me to lunch at her place and I explain to her about last night at the club and mister dreamy. "You need to go to lunch with him or something?" She says as she nibbles on her caesar salad. I look at her disgusted as she smacks on her salad. "He has already asked if I can go to lunch with him." "And you said?" " I said I would go." She laughs, "Geez, the man works fast, just please be careful." I nod and continue to eat my veggie burger. Midnight hits fast, as I make my way up to my roommates apartment and notice my bags outside of her front door. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I say as I bang on the door. I continue to bang on her door until she opens it. "I told you to pay your rent or else. Now, you're out of here!" I yell out, "I WAS WITH MY BEST FRIEND HELPING HER WITH HER GALLERY, YOU DUMB TWAT!" "OKAY! THAT DOES IT YOU LITTLE BITCH! YOU EITHER LEAVE NOW OR I'LL CALL THE COPS!" I roll my eyes and grab my bags swiftly and walk back down the steps and catch a cab.
"Now what?" I sigh to myself, "73 East Lake Apartments please." I say to my cabbie and he nods and drives away from my old life that was with my shitty roommate. I plug my earbuds into my phone and text my best friend explaining to her my situation and listen to, "Midnight City by M83." I close my eyes as the music sends me in a calm sensation as we make our way to my best friend's apartment.
Rachel's place is filled with whites, and blues. I huff and walk through the door and my best friend already knows the best remedy, "wine". We sit and laugh on the white cushioned couch that she has. I look out into the view of the city quietly. The place of art, jazz and its unique architecture. I say calmly, "How do you have all of this and not one man to share it with?" She laughs, "My standards." I laugh along with her, because she is right. "Her standards are very high. I feel bad for the poor bastard that dates her." That night, I brush my teeth and lay in the comfort of the night and watch the flashing of lights on the ceiling as the city comes to life at night with its' cabs honking, its people yelling, music blasting and art filling up the alleyways. I shoot a text to Damien, "Instead of lunch tomorrow, how about you join me at my best friends' art gallery?" I close my eyes and drift off into a sweet slumber that is filled with my mystery man.

To Control The
WerewolfDamien has always had a troubled past/childhood with trying to control his other side and what he desires/wants out of life, but when Layla comes into his life. Will his tragic past come back to bite him or will love prevail over all? *Warning ⚠️: S...