As we load our suitcases into my car the following day, I take one last look at the parking garage. "Too many memories. So much of Layla. I smirk as I remember the time that we fucked in my car and made a lot of cars blare, because of the rocking of the car hit another car. Another time, I chased Layla through the garage, because she sprayed water at me like I was a stray dog and she laughed as she ran from me. I smile. Good times." I look over at Layla as she puts her suitcase in the backseat and says to me, "All done. Ready and waiting for your orders, Captain!" "Captain.. Mmm.. A man could get used to being called that.." I laugh at her as her cheeks flush of embarrassment. "Get in the car weirdo!" She rolls her eyes as she gets into my car and I make my way to the driver's side. "Ready?" "Paris, here we come!"
We make our way to O'Hare International Airport from my apartment. I park my car at the South Terminal and collect mine and Layla's luggage. She walks beside me as we go to Terminal D to Paris, France. I look to see empty seats as I nod for Layla to take a seat as I check in with the ticket agent. The woman smiles up at me as I think to myself, "Oh sweetheart please, My woman has my heart and she'll have yours, if you keep staring at me." "Tickets please." "Yes ma'am. Beautiful day to fly?" "Yes sir, it is. Flight to Paris? Special occasion?" "Yes, me and my fiancee are traveling there for our anniversary." I look over towards Layla as she looks around at the people as they are waiting like us for our flight. "Woman doesn't need to know the truth of our travels." I think to myself as I turn to look at her as she seems surprised. "Alright, all checked in. We board in half an hour." I nod and go back to Layla.
As we sit and wait for our flight to begin to board, Layla's stomach rumbles. I chuckle softly as I look at her flushed, embarrassed face. "We didn't eat this morning. We just got up and left your place to come here." "What would you like? My queen.." "Mmm.. Something quick.." "Yes ma'am." I kiss her lips softly and get up and weave my way through the crowd to a nearby restaurant to get her a small meal. I order her a small club sandwich with turkey, light mayo as she likes it, cheddar cheese and small diced pickles and lettuce and tomato, grilled as always. I grab her a bag of chips and a vitamin water, fruit punch preferably. I pay and thank the woman as she hands me Layla's order and I turn and look around to see Layla not sitting where she was. I begin to panic, I weave my way through the crowd once more to look for her. "Layla.. Layla.. Has anyone seen a woman with blonde hair? She was with me?" I turn in a panicked haze and notice someone familiar. I spot a woman leaning against a pillar near a trash can. I growl lowly as I realize it's my sister. I stride towards her and seethe at her. "Where is she?" "Now, why did you leave her alone in the first place? Are you that much of an idiot? Have you not seen scary movies lately, Brother?" I grip her collar and slam her against the pillar, "WHERE IS SHE OLIVIA?!" "Ah.. Ah.. Don't cause a scene mister.." I let go of her in an angered huff. "She'll be safe. For now.." I hear a gunshot go off in the distance. The crowd begins to panic as I look to see that the shots, well bullets, have pierced my abdomen and shoulder. I gasp as I hold my wounds and Olivia whispers against my ear, "My dear brother, it was a pleasure to see you one last time, but I bid thee farewell." I fall onto the floor as I slowly slip into darkness and the last thought passes through my head, "Layla.. I love you"

To Control The
WerewolfDamien has always had a troubled past/childhood with trying to control his other side and what he desires/wants out of life, but when Layla comes into his life. Will his tragic past come back to bite him or will love prevail over all? *Warning ⚠️: S...