I lay on his chest as he is fast asleep. I can't help but think of everything that he and his cousins must be going through. A father and sister kill both nephew and brother/uncle. I shake my head of how Damien came to me. Full of sadness. Full of hatred for the people that took members of his pack away. "L-Layla.." He opens my door as I read "Pride and Prejudice". I sit up to see that he is covered in blood and crying. "Damien! What happened?!" "H-He killed my uncle.. I just got word from Jake that R-Roman.. Is dead as well.." I get up off of my bed and he crumbles into me and I hold him softly. "Shh.. It's okay.. I'm here.." He sobs quietly into my shirt as I rub his back. "Damien.. What can I do?" "Just hold me.." This strong man, who I met a few weeks ago. This werewolf. Vulnerable. My poor Damien. We soon lay on my bed as he cried himself to sleep and I run my fingers through his hair softly." I suddenly feel Damien stir in his sleep and I shake the memory away and fall fast to sleep.
The next morning, I'm soundly asleep as I feel someone touching my leg lightly. "Mmm.. stop.. I'm trying to sleep." I groan as I turn onto my side covering myself with a blanket that Damien put on us last night. "Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey!" I laugh as I hear him say that, "What's got you all cheerful?" I say sitting up as I see him in nothing but an apron. "Oh a girl could get used to this.." I stare at his nicely sculpted ass and his muscles constricting as he cooks. "Don't drool on my couch now." "Oh Damien Raines! We have done a far lot worse on this couch. Hint. Hint. Us last night." He laughs as he flips a pancake. "Touche madame!" "Speaking of touche, you have a nice one!" I wink at him as I get up off of the couch and make my way over to him as the blanket covers my body. "Mmm.. It smells amazing here." "My aunt, Helen, taught me everything there's to know about cooking." "How is she by the way.." "She's holding it together as we all thought she couldn't, but that woman is resilient." "She's amazing, we had a good talk about you and she even showed me a baby picture of you." I laugh as Damien turns around to look down at me as I tiptoe up to him and kiss his lips. Mmm they taste of maple syrup.
We sit on the couch eating and talking about his father and sister. "She said you two were twins? How is that possible? How come your mother or father never told you about her?" He shrugs as he grabs his orange juice and drinks. "I have no idea. My mother was always a secretive woman. My father was always on step ahead as usual. That's how he knew of her infidelity. By spying on her." "He killed your mother correct?" He nods as he scratches his hand, picking at a scab. "He made me help him kill the man that she slept with. I've seen him turn into a wolf. I've seen all types of things. Things I really couldn't comprehend as a child, but as an adult. It was all cruel." I grab his hand lightly and whisper, "We don't have to talk about it anymore." "No, it's okay. I want to share my past with you. I'm just surprised that you've stuck around to see all of this happen." I smile at him and say, "I'm pretty resilient myself mister." "I can tell madame.. Speaking of which.. I wanna show you something.." He gets up off of the couch as he grabs his laptop from off of the counter. "Two tickets to Paris."
My eyes widen as he says, "Two tickets to Paris." P-Paris as in Paris, France?!" "No, Paris, Tx. Yes, Paris, France." "Damien.. I can't just up and leave. I told you this." I sigh as I run my hands through my hair frustrated at him. "Yes, you can. You can say goodbye to your family and friends and say that you're going on a romantic getaway with me." "No! I can't! Don't you get it? I love them all too much to just leave." I groan and get up off of the couch and walk down the hall to his room and slam the door shut. "Who the hell does he think he is!? Booking tickets to Paris. The city of love." I think to myself as I make my way to the bathroom and turn the shower to hot. I let the water cascade over my body as I think of me and Damien. How far we have come in our relationship. From him and I dancing at the club to him chasing a guy for my bag, to him beating the shit out of the guy, to werewolves and crazy family. I sigh as I wash my body and hair. I feel hands on my hips as I gasp. "Don't be angry with me.." "I'm not angry at you.. Just at myself. Really.. For letting all of this to happen in my life.." "What do you mean?" "I mean.. All of this is too much for me.." "W-What are you saying? You wanna leave.."I turn around to look up at him as I see his saddened face. "Oh Damien.. I.. You do have to admit. This has all gone haywire since we met.. What if I'm just another bad curse in your life?" "No way in hell. You're the best thing that has happened to me in my entire life. I would protect you at all cost." "At the cost of your life." "Yes.. You mean the world to me, Layla Smith." I pout as tears come to my eyes and I hug him tightly and he squeezes me sweetly.
We silently pack our clothes in a suitcase. Yes, I moved into his place, ever since the deaths of his cousin and uncle. He didn't want to take the chance of my demise. "You don't have to do that. I can do it myself." "Oh no you don't. You're not the neatest when it comes to folding clothes." I hear him laugh as I finish packing his clothes. I go onto packing my suitcase as he rolls his suitcase to the living room. I sigh as I look at my finished suitcase. Onto Paris, France. My new home away from all of this madness. I look over at my phone as I look through family/friend pictures and tear up as I will have to leave my old life behind and into the unknown with Damien.

To Control The
WerewolfDamien has always had a troubled past/childhood with trying to control his other side and what he desires/wants out of life, but when Layla comes into his life. Will his tragic past come back to bite him or will love prevail over all? *Warning ⚠️: S...