Chapter 11 (Layla's POV)

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I lay in his arms as we are laid out on the living room floor. I smile as I trail my fingertips lightly along his tattooed chest. "A girl could get used to this.." A ping comes from his room and I sit up and arch my back as the hardwood floor has done a number on me. I sigh and get up quietly and tiptoe to his bedroom to retrieve his phone. I see his phone glowing on his broken bed. I grab his shirt that lays on the floor and put it on as I make my way to his phone. I open his phone as I look over my shoulder to see if Damien is coming. I see that he has a text message from someone with the initial AR. I click on it and my eyes widen softly. "Miss you.. Wish you were here.. Can't wait till you get here next week.." Tears stir within my eyes as a surprise voice comes from behind me. "You know it's unlady like to go through a man's phone.. See something you like or don't like?" I turn around to see Damien naked and very bold with his body. I clear my throat as I look away towards his eyes. "Umm.. n-no.." He walks towards me slowly as if I'm his prey.
    He cocks his eyebrow as he reaches for his phone and sees my eyes well up in tears. "What's wrong Layla?" He caresses my cheek softly as I shake my head, "Who's AR? Why do they miss you? Why are they seeing you next week?" He laughs and looks at me and my eyes widen at him like what the fuck? Is this a joke to him? Am I? He shakes his head softly, "Sorry, the laughter isn't towards you Layla. It's just at the fact that you're getting jealous over my baby cousin" "Y-Your baby cousin.." "Yes.. My baby cousin. Her name is Anya. Her family took me in after my father murdered my mother. Her brothers did this." He turns around and I see scars.. No more like lashes all on his back. Tears roll down my face slowly. I trace my fingertips along his scars and whisper, "W-Why? How come they did this to you? This is so cruel. To do this to your own blood." "Yes.. cruel, but necessary. In order for me to become one with the pack. I had to endure hardships and cruelty." He turns back around and sees my tears and kisses them away lightly.
"No tears. My sweet Layla. I don't deserve such a thing like your tears." "But.." He presses his lips lightly against mine and consumes me with passion. "Let me come with you.." He looks at me shocked. "Oh my dear, you can't come with me. No outsiders, even humans are allowed." "Why not?" "The pack will kill you, since you know of my secret." I pout up at him and he kisses me once more. "No more talk of the pack. Please. I'll see them next week as they wish and you can redecorate my home." I smile brightly, "Really? You trust me enough to decorate?!" "Nothing girly please. I would like to keep my masculinity." I laugh and kiss his neck softly. "No promises mister." He grabs my waist and hauls me over his shoulder and I squeal at what's to come.

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