23 ~ Beloved Son ~

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Dedicated to all my followers, readers and friends.....

Now, I have a request to all my readers, followers and friends.. Please VOTE for "Beauty and The Beast" in Choice Award 2019 at this story reached in final round. Every single person can cast 10 votes per story. You have to put inline vote typing +1 besides the Story name. The stories really need your support..

23 ~ Beloved Son ~

23 ~ Beloved Son ~

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Ray Mansion...


Morning at 8 a.m.

Arnav slowly stir in his sleep and turn to his side. He opened his eyes feeling the lack of warmth. As expected, Khushi is not beside him. Arnav lazily looked at his surroundings. Soon reality dawn upon him, the memories of yesterday's whole days incident came rushing towards him.

Arnav remembered his meeting with Veer, Veer's confession, Veer's mother's diary, the ugly truth of their past and his break down.. and last, seeking solace within Khushi.

A slow lazy but genuine smile spread over his face remembering last night. Last night, he became so close to Khushi..Arnav remembered how he showered Khushi with kisses, showing his tender love..literally yesterday Arnav had opened his heart emotionally to Khushi.. But he is always lack in words, instead he tried to conveyed his emotions through his actions..

" Did you felt my love, Khushi? Did you find out the way towards my soul? Did you realize how desperately I wanted to convey my feelings to you, mery jaan?" Arnav wanted to scream the words to Khushi but alas, he cannot. But yesterday, after so much devastation, still he able to catch a sound sleep, because of Khushi..

" You are my solace Khushi.. You were and will be always... I love you.." Arnav's heart whispered while a lone tear escape from his eyes.

Arnav came back from his memory lane when his phone rings. Looking at the caller ID Arnav face had a full blown smile.

" Hello, Mr Raichand..Good morning, any good news ?" Arnav asked in one go.

" Congratulations AR, we finally own the custody battle. I got the court paper. Now, Advay is officially your's, your beloved son." Mr Raichand, Arnav's lawyer informed happily.. He is a very loyal man to Arnav and this middle age man, is like a guardian to Arnav.. So, today, he is genuinely too happy.

" Thank you so very much, Mr Raichand..I am really grateful for your hard work." Arnav thanked him feeling contented after winning over a battle against the Mallik.

" Don't Thank me Arnav.. It's my duty. And always remember you are the best father for Advay. Infact, you and Mrs AR, you both are ideal parent for Advay..He is lucky enough to have both of you in his life. Anyways, you will get the papers at your office. I will personally meet you today itself." Mr Raichand informed heartily.

|| Beauty and The Beast || ( Completed) [ #WIA2021]Where stories live. Discover now