38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~

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38 ~ Becoming Mine...Forever ~

Forever ~

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Raizada Farmhouse..

Arnav slowly touched his forehead with Khushi's and take a deep breath to control his raging hormone.. He was feeling like that teenager boy who had desired Khushi for the first time, who grow up dreaming about Khushi.. Now holding her in his arms, it was really becoming difficult for him to hide or control his love, his desire for Khushi... Arnav snapped open his eyes when he felt Khushi's lips on his cheek and a soft whisper, " You cannot NEED me MORE than the way I WANT you Arnav.."

Time stop, so Arnav's heartbeat...but the moment he met his wife's eyes, Arnav Ray knew he had found HIS home...

Without breaking the eye lock, both of them whispered at a same time,



It was a Promise, from them, for each other to start a journey of togetherness with a new intensity...

The couple left the dance floor and mingled with the other.. Though Khushi was talking with her girl gang and teasing Liza, but she was stealing glances towards her husband.. Arnav on the other hand was literally gawking towards his wife, even Aman's naughty smile or teasing comment did not change his stance.. He was as if hypnotized by his wife, his whole heart, mind, body and soul was craving and screaming for Khushi...

Soon the party got over and guests leave one by one.. It was decided prior that the families of Nik and Liza, Ray clan and Veer with Lavanya will stay there tonight and leave tomorrow.. so as per the plan, the elders retired into their assigned room and only the 5 couples stay there having some gala time in between themselves..

" Hummm... I am feeling very sleepy.. I need to go to bed.." suddenly Kuhu, Aman's wife said.. As if hearing her words Payal too express her tiredness and both of them drag their respective partners.. It was already decided that Lavanya and Liza was sharing a room and Veer is accompanying Nik tonight.. so, they also bid bye and soon only Arnav and Khushi were standing in the living room..

"Weird.. don't you think Khushi.. The way they all gone.. as if .." Arnav said with a frown on his forehead..

" Come on.. Don't suspect always.. They are family for God sake.." Khushi slapped playfully in Arnav's forearm..

" Let's go to the room.. It's already 12 passed 20," Arnav holds Khushi's hand..

" But we have to collect Adu.. He was with naniji.. My fault, may be both naniji and Adu have slept.. I should have been more careful, I should have been collect Adu before.. He must be.." Khushi was blabbering and suddenly stopped as Arnav put a finger on her lips and it did the magic..

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