Whats happening

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Kevins PoV
"Right guys I've kept you back because I need to know what's going on with Sean." "Right so today when me and stacey came back from itt we saw sean outside the door so we told him to go away and then we said that he was only jealous because no woman would ever carry his child but he said that that's not what katya thinks. I went up to neil who was in joe and Diannes studio and he knew that she is havin an affair. When we got back sean came back out of our studio. Neil pinned him against the wall and punched him and then you came and took sean away. We went into the studio and Lilia was crying and stace has a massive bruise on her side. Stacey tell him what happened." "He came in I tried to get him out he pushed me to the floor and went and told Lilia that he knew where her and kev lived and that he was going to get her and then he pushed her and she hit her head. We went up to med and they said Lilia just had a bit of concussion but I needed to go to physio so they could test my mobility or something. Anyway we got the ok and now here we are." "Right I want to file a police report for abuse and maybe rape depending on what katyas story is." We all nodded and went out. "Hey kev. Can I camp at yours for a couple of days until we find out what's the deal with Katya and Sean." "Sure stacey is staying tonight at lilias request and then going back on Monday. So sure." "Thanks man and keep it down with stacey you know." "Neil I can change my mind you know. I'll make you stay with joe and Dianne and we all can take a good guess at what they get up to." Joe and dianne has been a couple since the day after we met back up. "Ok I'm sorry." "Hey lils you start school on Monday. Are you excited." "Yes dada but I miss watching g you and stacey dance." "Well if you behave you could always come to the live shows." We walked out and were greeted by press and pap. "Kevin whose the child." "My daughter now go away." "How old were you when you became a father." "16 now I'm going to ask you once more to go away." "Bit young don't you think." "I WAS RAPED NOW GO AWAY." They fell silent and moved away into their vans and cars. "Kevin baby you ok." "Ye I guess just let's get going before some more come." We got in the car and neil sat next to Lilia. "Daddy why did uncle Neil tell you to be quiet wid stacey." I gave neil a death stare. He just laughed. "Umm because we might have a tickle fight." "Me play." "When we get back home ye?" "Otay." She fell asleep. Neil and stacey started laughing. "Well what am I meant to tell her. That uncle Neil is convinced that me and stacey will have sex and give you a brother or sister." Neil looked at Lilia and I knew what was coming next. "Daddy. Where do babies come from." "Umm. Neil look what you have done now. Well when a mummy and daddy want a baby they Umm stacey help me here." "A magician come and puts the baby in mummies tummy and then after a couple of months the mummy has the baby." Neil was recording and I stuck my finger up at him making Lilia copy. They both just laughed and then mine and Staceys phones pinged. "Neil Jones you haven't just done that have you." I looked at my phone as stacey was driving and it was. He had sent the video to the group chat.
The group chat
Neil Jones has sent a video
Karen. Nice job Kevin teaching your daughter to give idiots the finger.
Anton. At least stacey knew what to do. Just make something up 😂
Kevin. It's neils fault. He's bunking at mine until we find out what the deal is and he told me and stacey to keep quiet and then Lilia asked what he meant so I told her we were going to have a tickle fight so he's got that to look forward to. She fell asleep and they both laughed at me and then I was joking with them and she woke up and asked where babies came from.
Frosty. Did the pap get you. I saw them waiting outside.
Neil. Ye they did and Kevin told them I'm very minimal detail that he was raped and to fuck off basically.
Craig. I feel bad for you.
Neil. Thanks Craig.
Craig. I didn't mean you dingus I meant Kevin.
Kevin. Cheers Craig. Neil is currently pretending to cry making Lilia upset.
Dianne. He always has made kids cry.
Neil. I am here you know
Real life
"Your pathetic Neil." "Daddy he's sad." "No he's not darling he's just pretending." "Ye lils just pretending." "Ok we play I spy." "Ye but only for five minutes cos we are nearly home. You go first lils." "I spy wif my likle big eye somethink beginning wid traffic lights." Neil laughed. "Is it traffic lights." "Well done uncle stupid. I mean neil." He looked shocked. "Let me guess daddy and stacey told you that." "Yep." We got to the house and neil tried to get Lilia out as we recorded him and laughed as he fumbled with the car seat. "How the bloody hell do you unfasten these." "You just have to have common sense neil." I went and did it for him and his cheeks grew pink and he picked her up. "Silly uncle stupid." We went back into the apartment and put in Cinderella as it was lilias favourite movie. "Hey Lilia want me to teach you a dance to this song." "Yes pwease." Neil got up and started throwing her around and teaching her how to dance. Me and stacey were filming it all and laughing. "Ladies and Gentlemen. Dancing neils creation. Neil Jones and Lilia clifton." The music played again and they danced. "Kevin clifton." "10" "Stacey Dooley." "10." "That's 20. First dance and she got full marks." Me and neil put her on Staceys shoulders. "Championes championes Olay Olay Olay." We stopped the recording and sent it to the group. Johannes started a FaceTime and most of us joined. "You are all so cute with each other and Lilia definitely likes stacey." "Cheers ames. Neil is tickling Lilia while she is on Staceys shoulders. This is disaster waiting to happen." I put the camera down so they could see what we were doing. "Right Lils drop and ill catch you." "Promise?" "Promise." She dropped and I caught her and she jumped down and pushed neil on the sofa and jumped in him. I went and gave stacey a kiss and we stood and watched neil fight with Lilia. "You two are so cute!" Dianne screamed. "Well thank you but you have deafened my girlfriend." "Sorry for interrupting your cute moment but Kevin your daughter is attacking me so I'm leaving." "Ok." He walked out and me and Lilia went and locked the door. He tried to open the door and stacey put the camera on us. "I was joking. This happens every time. Let me in!" "Can you hear somebody talking stace Lilia.?" "Nope." Lilia laughed. "We should let him in daddy. He will get sad and cold." "So she's more like Joanne then because Kevin would just leave him there to rot." "Ssh Chloe." Aj joined the call with Joanne. "Aj I would rather not see you and my sister in bed thank you." "Chill out kev." "Kev just doesn't want lils to hear anything because with what I've heard from secret spies he had a question from Lilia aj." They all laughed. "Neil you definitely aren't coming in now." But Lilia let him in anyway and I got rugby tackled by Neil on to the sofa. Lilia playfully pinched Neil and helped me up. "Don't hurt daddy. Get stacey." Neil laughed threw stacey over his shoulder and chucked her in the sofa. "See any normal boyfriend would stop this but Kevin is stood there laughing and filming." I put the camera down pushed them off of her and helped her up and gave her a kiss. "Eww. I don't want a sister yet daddy." The group chat laughed and then we all went to bed. Neil taking the sofa. I snuggled up to stacey in bed and we just went to sleep.

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