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"I'll do it" Everyone in the room, a room full of my friends, turned to stare at me with their eyes wide and mouths hanging open. "What?" I chuckled lightly, feeling a tad uneasy by all their stares.

"Do you know what just came out of your mouth, Dems?" I turned to Sirah who was sat beside me, her eyebrows furrowed together, a look of question swimming around her eyes.

"Yeah, I know what I said" I pulled my eyes from her and glanced to Matthew who was now knelt on the floor in front of me.

"Demi, are-are you being serious?" I pulled my eyes from him momentarily and glanced around the room, still feeling slightly uneasy under everyone's stares. How many times do I have to repeat myself?

"Why wouldn't I be serious? I wouldn't say it if I wasn't?" my eyes locked with Matthew's as his eyes instantly welled up with tears. "You're my best friend, you're both my best friends" I glanced behind Matthew and to his husband, Damien, who was sat beside Chloe, his hands clasped over his mouth, a look of surprise swimming around his forest green eyes. "You both need someone that you can trust and who better than a friend who has a perfect working womb. It isn't like I'm going to be using it for myself anytime soon" I was the only person who found that sentence funny, everyone else just kept staring at me like I had two heads. "I want to give you and Damien a baby. You can even use one of my eggs" I glanced down to meet Matthew's gaze; his eyes full of concern.

"Demi, do you realise that you'd be giving away your own baby?"

"As long as I get to be fun aunt Demi, I don't really care" I turned to glance at Sirah who seemed to be analysing my every word.

"Demi, have you really thought this through?" Sirah's voice was full of concern as she leant towards me.

"Why is everyone looking at me like I don't know what I just offered? I want to give you and Damien a baby" I locked eyes with Matthew who looked more worried than anything else. "Now can you please look excited?" I nudged him lightly in the shoulder, but his expression never changed. "I know what I'm getting myself into because I've read up about it. Honestly, I've been thinking about this for a while, ever since you guys spoke about wanting a baby. I just wanted to make sure I knew everything and understood everything before I suggested it."

"You-You seriously want to give us a baby?"

"I want to give you a baby. Now, you just need to decide who's going to impregnate me" I winked over at Damien who was almost sobbing into his hands. I glanced back to meet Matthew's gaze as he sat before me, tears rolling down his cheeks. "So, what do you say bestie? You want a baby?" I squealed as he threw himself at me, his arms tight around me.

"Are you sure about this?" his voice was a whisper.

"I'm sure. I know it's going to be hard, but I also know that the end result will be rewarding. I get to make my BFF a daddy."

"If you ever want to back out, just tell me, okay? I won't hate you" I could feel myself getting chocked up.

"Okay, can we stop now before I start crying?" Matthew chuckled as he pulled himself away from me, wiping the tears from his cheeks. "You're going to have to get used to the emotions, ya know? You're going to eventually have a very hormonal pregnant woman on your hands" I chuckled as I wiped the tears from my own cheeks.

"I will take any of your shit, Dems" I giggled as I leant to wrap my arms around him again.

"So, how early do you guys want to get started on this? I'm on a break so I won't need to worry about touring or anything. I'll probably just be spending time in the studio" Matthew and I glanced at Damien who settled himself down onto the sofa beside me, his arm wrapping around me. "I also read that it doesn't always work the first time so if you have a certain month in mind for the birth..." I giggled and chewed down on my lower lip as they both rolled their teary eyes.

"We don't care about that, Demi" I leant to rest my head on Damien's shoulder as Matthew played with my fingers.

"How about I get an appointment booked and we can get started? I know that with using my egg it'll make the process so much quicker as we basically just need to inject your sperm."

"You really have read up about this, haven't you?"

"I've even spoken to my therapist about it. That's how serious I am about giving you guys a baby."

"We love you, Dems" my cheesy signature smile spread across my face as I snuggled myself into Damien's side.

"You guys are going to make incredible dads and I'm excited that you want me on this journey with you" Matthew leant forward and wrapped his arms around us both, sharing a brief kiss with Damien before nuzzling his head into my neck. Everyone around us cheered and the fantasy that Damien and Matthew had, was finally becoming a reality.

I just hope I've made the right decision.


Hi Guys😁
I don't know how often updates are going to be but I hope you enjoy this! Let me know what you think?

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