Holloween dance

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Addison stood at the front door of the gymnasium, waiting for Zed. "Where is he?" She muttered to herself.


"Guys!" Zed roared. "Y-you have to fix this. My Z band I-it's broken" Eliza pulled out her tablet and started getting to work.

"Nothing is working." She slaked the tablet down and got put her computer.

"I-I have to see Addison. I-I promised I would go t-to the dance with her."

Zed's dad and bonzo stood in front of the door and held Zed down.

"Son, your not goimg anywhere like this. We can't risk you hiring anyone."

Zed let our a roar.


Addison checked her phone. The dance started an hour ago and Zed was still not there.

Wyatt came walking up the steps with willa "hey?" She grinned.

He was ironically dressed as a wolf. With ears and a tail he ad the look down. Willa was a devil dress and wynter was a witch.

Willa continued on in while Wyatt stopped to talk to Addison.

"Let me guess, a werewolf?" Addison joked.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Wyatt agusted his ears. "I'm just a plane wolf."

He took a look at affirms huge dress. "And you are...?"

"A sleeping beauty. Zed was supposed to be prince Philippe. But he's not here."

"He isn't here yet?" Looked around. "The dance started a long time ago." He gave Addison a soft look. "Do you think he's coming ?"

At this point Addison was question weather Zed was coming.

"You know, if he doesn't show you can always join me."

"Don't you have a date?" She asked.

"Nah. I come here for Willa and wynter they seem to enjoy it and I just get dragged along." He gave Addison a look, "literary dragged along to everything. They took me dress shopping with them and a couple other girls form school."

They laughed. "I don't know why but when you said that I pictured you in a dress and its really amusing." Addison laughed.

"What?" Wyatt laughed. "Why?"

"I don't know."

They both continued laughing a moment or two. And Addison when back to thinking of Zed. Then she thought about what Wyatt offered.

"I'm heading in. You wanna join me?" Wyatt put out his arm. "Like the fancy lords form the movies she watched.

Addison took a good long look out into the dark parking lot. Then she got a text. She looked at her phone and it was a text form Zed. "Sorry I can't make it." It read. Addison shit her phone off and shoved it in her purse.

"I would be delighted." She curtsied, playing along and took his arm.

Inside it was dark the only lights where dimmed and the ones form the stage.

Zombies and humans where dancing while the wolves did there own thing.

Wyatt and Addison did their own thing. And when they joined the mob of dancers people herded away.

"People are looking." Addison glanced around.

"Let then look." Wyatt smirked. "They can waist their night watching us have fun."

They both grinned and Wyatt let out a howl.
Then the other Wolfe's joined them.

It didn't feel asl lonely anymore. With the other wolfs partying around then she felt like she was apart of a group.

Then a slow song came on. Addison thought if Zed and remember that he wasn't their. Then snapping back to reality she saw Wyatt extend his hand out to her. "Would care to give them this Dance." He smiled, flashing his fangs.

At first she hesitated but took his hand "Sure."

He Twirled her and then pull her close. She wasn't expecting that right out of the gate. But it was a present surprise.

Addison laughed as her hands rested on his shoulders. She could feel his hand on her waist. Close to him she could feel he was warm. Then he gently pulled her closer and they swayed.

As the song got close to its end he got Face to face he looked at her. Locking gazes her heart paused. For a moment even her breathing stopped. Her mind was racing

Is it me or is he leaning in? Oh god, he's getting closer. Must get away. B-but I don't want to. I can move. Yes turn away. Why can't I move? Zed! I love Zed! He is.... IS HE GOING TO KISS ME?!

Wyatt moved closer and soon passed her lips and put his check next to hers. He was very warm. Hot! I fact. She could feel his breath on her ear as he whispered, "did I tell you, you look beautiful tonight?"

The song ended and a up beat fast song came on and Everyone crowded the dance floor again.

Addison pushed him away, as he burst out laughing.

"Why would you do that?" She demanded, her face flushed and red.

"What did you think I was going to kiss you?" He continued to laugh.

"Ye- no!" Addison punched him in the arm.She started laughing too and soon they where dancing again. Jumping up and down with the rest of the people to the blinding lights and loud music.

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