Dog days (part 4)

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Wyatt let go of Addison's hand. "It's not what you think." He put his hands up baking away form Addison.

Zed came full force at Wyatt.

Wyatt dogged Zed. For Zed was a raging bull at his pint and all wyatt had to do was to stay clear of his horns.

"What's your problem?" Wyatt moved to the side and Zed missed Wyatt by an inch.

"My problem?!" He tackled Wyatt to the ground. "My problem is you." He tired to nail wyatt's hands down to the ground. "You keep trying to steam my girl."

Zed drew his fist back and delivered a fist to wyatt's face. Wyatt moved his head and Zed's hand into the grass.

Zed let out a growl and landed a blow on wyatt's side. Wyatt let out a whimper

In the mist of the situation wyatt's instincts kicked in and he took his fangs and sunk them into Zed's arm.

This only made Zed angrier. Harder and harder he punched the ground trying to get Zed's face. A dent in the grass was starting to form.

"Zed stop it." Addison grabbed Zed's arm and tired to hold him back. "Get off hum-" Zed pushed her off him.

Wyatt got a look of his face of concern and people where staring.

Zed turned around to see Addison holding her noise. A drop of blood feel.

Zed turned to go by her side. Wyatt tried to get up too b hurt Zed pushed him back down.

When Zed tried to go to her she put her hand out. "No, stop!"

Zed's heart sank. Looking around for someone to help her everyone was just staring.

Turning back to see Wyatt handing Addison the towel he had bright before. It started to fills up with blood.

Addison and Wyatt went back inside. Everyone looking to Zed. He felt like a big under a microscope. Every part of him being examined he felt ashamed and just wanted for scream.

In his furry he was blind to his surroundings he just want to pound Wyatt's face.

He circled the house the long way back to the found pourch and took a seat. He didn't know what he was doing. He didn't want to leave but he didn't want say either.

Inside Wyatt took the towel form Addison and started to dab up some of the blood. "In the bright side it's not that bad." She shot her a smile.

Addison looked at him. She wondered how he could be smiling.

Then she launched forward and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her head resting on his chest listening to his heart. "Thank you." She muttered.

Wyatt was stunned. He was thrown off and didn't know how to react. Then he herd her say say something, but he was frozen that he didn't catch was it was.

"what!" He asked.

Addison pulled away, brushing a picked of damp hair out of her face. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Me I'm fine."

Addions looked down to wyatt's side. There was a bright red mark on his side. "You sure" she reached down to touch it.

She knew form having her fair share of bruises form cheer that it was going to be a nasty bruise.

he put his hand on hers to stop her form making contact. "Yeah."

They looked out the window to see zed sitting on the porch.

"You should got talk to him." Wyatt sighed.

Addison took a good long look. A part of here wanted to go Talk to him. And another part was like this guy just gave me a bloody noise.

She got up and headed for the door. People where still partying inside and it was good background noise for there silence.

Zed didn't say anything, he just bled his arm where Wyatt bit him.

Addions day done next to him and put her hand out. Zed hum his on hers and she pulled it closer so she could dab up some of the blood.

She didn't look at him and she wanted him to make the first attempt at conversion.

"are you ok?" He asked.

"Yeah." She said in a hushed voice.

"I'm sorry that you got caught in the middle of.... whatever that was." Zed looked down at his shoes.

Addison Was done with this forplay she was fed to get to the root of this problem. "You mean between a jealous boyfriend and a friend?"

This struck Zed. "What I walked in on was in no way friendly contact. That was... well."

"You think I haven't noticed how you have been trying to cut Wyatt out the whole night?"

He was happy that she was calling him a friend but she was still defending him. He was the one that got bit, he was the one who's relationship was being impeded on by another. Who could she not see that he was the victim here.

"Sorry I wanted to hang out with my girlfriend." He pulled his arm away.

"Yes I am your girlfriend. But I am not some property to be claimed. You have to understand that Wyatt... as a friend, but I love you."

"Ha! You hesitated!" Zed sprang up.

"I am trying to reassure you and your just focusing on the wrong parts!" Addison raised her voice. She founded her arms, "jealousy isn't a good look on you."

"Sure I'm jealous." Zed raised his voice too, "call me what you want but I'm not blind."

"What's your problem?" Zed stretched out his arms. This part definitely got Addison's attention. "You are blind, you can't see how he keeps inserting him self into your life? How you let him come between us?"

"I think you need to go home." Addison turned away.


"clear your head and then we can talk."

"I wanna talk now." He took a step towards her.

"no." As Addison went to move away Zed reached for her arm.

"You aren't even listening to what I have to say."

"yes I was and your acting like a clingy child." Addison tired to jerk her arm away, but zed held it firmly.

"Go home." she tried to pry his hand off but his grip just tightened.

"let me go." She tired to twist her arm free but it just ended up being something like a rug burn. she let out a little whimper.

"no, you need to listen to what I have to say."

"stop, it hurts."

"well that's how I feel when your with Wyatt. When I leave you two alone for two seconds and he's putting the moves on you."


"No, let me finish, its like daggers in my heart. And you just let him. you let him get physical with you, you let him back you up giant the shed. It makes me so mad at both of you."

"Hey!" Came a voice. "it was Willa, she power walked up to Zed "get your hands off her." Willa pried Zed's hand off.

"hey,"  Zed threw his arms up, "we where in the middle of a conversation."

"you and I both know that wasn't a conversation." Willa growled, her moon stone glowing.

some other people started to nice and get a closer look. One of which was Wyatt.

Addison put herself in the middle of the two, arms stretched out wide.

"just go home Zed." she gave him a pleading look.

He noticed the red mark on her arm where he had.... grabbed her and all his anger instantly vanished. He....He had...he did the last thing he ever wanted to do on this planet - hurt Addison.

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