The lock in (part 1)

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"you ready?" Wilma leaned over to Adison.

"for what" she smirked.

"the LOCK IN of course!" Wynter excambied.

"shhhh." Wilma covered her mouth.

"it's not much of a secret." Addison stirred her milkshake. "all the upper classman do it. Its like a right of passage," she got a gleam in here eye. "once you make it thought the first two years the second two will be easy."

"ah." Willa checked her watch. "foot ball practice ends soo. I told Wyatt I would meet up with him."

the moment she mentioned football Addison's mind went to zed and what happened at the party.

"you and Zed ok?" Bree asked.

Addison didn't reply. she was lost in her memory of that night.

she replayed the moment when he grabbed her. she felt guilty, everything he was saying was true. she was his girlfriend and she shouldn't let Wyatt get away with half the things he dose. But then she membered the feeling she had when he backed her against the shed. she didn't feel threatened or scared.

"hello? should I take that as a no? need me to go kick his -"

"no." Addison snapped back to life. "I just zoned out. we are....we haven't talked in awhile. but I think we just need to talk and we'll be fine."

"mmmm" Willa wasn't total convinced. "if he...ever dose anything let me know and I will send the rath of thousand moons after him."

"Don't you mean suns?" I took another sip form my shake.

"Nope." She dangled her necklace with a smirk.

they all laughed.


"Long a go," Addison started. "In these very halls when the school was still being built a goat wandered in here. A cursed goat! Legend has it that it fell only the basket and some how mysterious the concrete machine turned on and it cemented The goat. Now it's soul wonders the halls, writhing for someone to Open the door to the basement and set it free."

"No one believes in ghosts, they aren't real." Wyatt waved Addison off.

"Oh really?" She gave him a sly look.

"This is a lock in right?" Bucky looked at his nails with a bored expression. "Then let's go have some fun."

All the kids cheered and went off.

Some kids took Wyatt off and Addison's to a hall way.

"Did you being it?" Bree asked.

"Yep." Eliza smirked ash she pulled a roll of duck tape form here bad.

Bonzo smash the glass in front of the fire extinguisher and pulled it from its resting spot and threw it over to wynter. She had it to the back of one of the spinning chairs as Eliza begin to wrap the duct tape around it.

" Watch out!" Came a voice.

Addions turned to see a extinguisher heading right for her. She didn't have time to react all she had time to do was think about how much pain she would be in when I hit.

But he never came she felt a hand on her shoulder and opened one eye. Why has his arm around her and with the other had the extinguisher.

He turned to her with a tooth he smiled and held it to the back of the other chair. Eliza handed Addison the roll of tape and she bag an go wrap it around. She she was done her hands rested on Wyatt's. She felt a rush of warmth to her face and turned away from him.

She felt a pair of hands on her shoulders leading her away. And her heard dropped. Then she realized it was Bree.

Bree sat her down in of the chairs.

Wyatt put his hands out like an announcer from the middle ages and exclaimed, "who dares challenge the cheer Queen to a race?"

"I." Willa razed her hand. She made her way to the other chair and sat down. "Your going down." She had a playful competitive look.

"There's a reason why they call me Queen." Addison rose to the challenge.

Zed got a bandana and went to the end of the hall. "Hands on the pin ladies." He looked to addions but she fired away.

She decided she would just wait to hear the word go instead of looking.

"Read, set, GO!!"

The two pulled their pens in angle the funnel on Thursday with your behind them and propel themselves through the hallway on the chairs.

People were cheering for them so I'm watching not knowing what was going on otherwise wishing it was them but all of them are having fun.

A trail of foam was left behind them as the went. People started jumping in it and sliding around. Kids got hands full of soap and dropped it on the floor creating a slippery rink.

But Addison and Willa didn't notice this. They where too involved in their race to notice anything else as well, Including the wall. They rammed right into it and the like that the race was over.

"You guys ok?" Wyatt extended his hand down for the both of them.

"Yeah." Willa rubbed her head, "I totally won." She smirked.

"Yeah sure you did." Addison's gave her a nudge.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Wynter asked.

Bonzo slid on the now soapy floor and nocked them over like bowling pins.

They all looked to eachother and with huge grins on there faces. They didn't need any superpowers to tell what they where thinking. They just knew.

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