Good night

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Rachel's Pov
The sound of the alarm rang through the station as everyone got into the truck and headed out to where we were needed. We pulled up to a stable that was burning fast. Judd and I were the only ones who had ever worked with horses before so we were the ones trying to get them all out. Judd and I run into the barn. As we enter we see that there are 20 horses and three foals. We work on getting the foals and their mothers out first before getting the rest out.
Time skip
There is still one horse that we have to get out. Without hesitation I run back into the barn. I can hear everyone telling me that it going to collapse any second but I had to get that horse out of there. I didn't have time to lead it out so I hopped on and put my jacket over it's flank. I turned the horse into the asile as the front of the roof came down. The team had gotten the fire almost completely out where it had came through and I decided to put my jumping skills into play. "EVERYONE BACK UP!" I yell as they do I wind up the horse and gallop up to the fallen roof. We take off at just the right time and land perfectly on the other side. I bring the horse over to the vet and take my jacket off his flank and put it back on before running back to the team and finish putting out the fire. After five more hours or so the fire is completely out and every living thing that was inside the barn has been checked over and nothing except minor burns were wrong with them. We all hug each other before heading back to the station. "When did you learn how to do that?" Judd said when we got back to the station. "Well if you really want to know I've been training my late friends horse for him. It's a way where I can still ride but I don't have to spend any money. He got into a bad fight four years back and passed away. His horse went to one of his clients. But ya." "Do you have any videos from any of your shows?" TK asked and of course I did. "Ya actually I do. Would you guys like to see?" I asked. They all nodded their heads vigorously.

(This was the course that I based Rachel's after)
Time skip
Every one seemed to enjoy watching my course. I headed upstairs to shower and get changed into my PJ's. I hopped in the nice hot shower washing away all the grime from today.
About 45 minutes later I hopped out of the shower and got changed into green, red, white, and blue flannel pants along with a black top. I was just about to head to bed when Captain Strand calls my name. "Rachel do you mind if we talk for a bit?" I already knew that this wasn't going to be a very happy talk because of my little stunt I did earlier. As I walk into his office I take a seat and wait for him to tell me to get my things and leave. "So, what made you do what you did at the barn today?" He asked surprising me that he hadn't yelled. "Well if I'm being honest with you I don't really know. I guess since that was the only way out I took it. I know that it was a huge risk for me and for the horse but I could just see the fear in the horses eyes. He didn't want to die and he sure didn't want me to die with him. That's why he put in the extra effort to clear the side of the roof." As I looked into his eyes I could sense that he wasn't mad. "Rachel. What you did was incredible. I wanted to tell you that I'm glad you decided to join us. Now head to bed. You will need your sleep for tomorrow. We are all going to party so dress nice." I smiled at him and headed to bed wondering what I would wear tomorrow.
Time skip
I woke up to Marjan shaking me. "Wake up wake up wake up. It's time to P.A.R.T.Y.!!" She screamed waking me up in a very abrupt way. "Okay okay I'm up." Her and I break into a fit of laughter before we went back to my place to try and pick me out an outfit.

We decided on a white long sleeved shirt paired with a burgundy skirt and heals along with a gold clutch

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We decided on a white long sleeved shirt paired with a burgundy skirt and heals along with a gold clutch. I decided to keep my hair down and did a natural face of makeup but with a deep red lip.

This was Marjan's outfit

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This was Marjan's outfit. She looked stunning. None of us had any idea where we were going so we just hoped for the best. We were almost done when Captain Strand texted us.
CS- the boys and I are in the van outside waiting.
R- K. we are on our way out.
Marjan and I put our shoes on and head out the door. I lock my door and sure enough the guys are in a black van waiting for us. I knock on the passenger window and TK unlocked the door for us. "Look at you two." Judd says and all the boys including Captain Strand start whistling. Marjan and I sat down in the very back of the van with Mateo waiting upon our arrival.
Time skip
After a while of driving Captain Strand pulls into the Waller Ballroom.
As we enter we can see that a lot of the  neighbouring stations have created this for Captain Strand and us. As I look around the room I see my old captain. He gets up and walks over to us introducing himself to Captain Strand before giving me a big hug. "We miss having you on our team Mrs. Marrie. It's just not the same for any of us not seeing you at three in the morning working out." I looked my old captain in the eye. " I miss you guys too but I think that leaving the 122 and joining the 126 was probably the best thing I've done in a long while." I said looking back at my new crew and captain smiling.

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