[1] Start of my life

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" But mom!" [M/N] whined, he dug his heels into the dirt, trying to stop his mother from pulling him towards the shack. " Why do I have to work? I have money!" " Fifty dollars won't support you at all [M/N]! Plus, you working somewhere poor which would look great on a college application." Addison [L/N] said as she pulled her son closer to the Mystery Shack. " Plus, he agreed to make sure you stay out of trouble while me and your father-"

" Step-father." [M/N] corrected, his feet still planted on the floor. " He's not my dad."

" Whatever! Mr.Pines agreed to watch you because I'm paying him and he needs some extra help around the shop." She snapped as she pushed him towards the wooden porch, almost making him trip up but he kept himself from falling. " Be a good boy, you hear? I swear to god, If I get one more phone call from the police that you did something bad..I will end you. Do you hear me? END YOU!" Addison snarls and curled her perfectly pedicured hand into a fist. " I swear boy, do not test me."

"Yeah, mom." [M/N] sighs and watched his mother turn right around and walked towards the waiting car. His step-father sitting in the front, and honking the horn loudly. He watched, eyes narrowed on the woman before her heel caught onto a rock and she nearly fell down. He chuckled as she shoots him a heated glare. " Jerk."

"And I thought my dad was always pissed.." [M/N] perked up and turned to a girl leaning against the Mystery Shack with peach cola in her hand. She had long red hair with a classic bomber hat on her head, green flannel dirty jeans with black boots. " You must be the newbie, I'm Wendy." She asked as she sips her soda.

" Yeah, I've seen your dad around...always punching things." [M/N] said before looking around, trying to avoid her gaze, feeling a bit bad that he acted like that in front of her. " [M/N], [M/N] [L/N]. Is it true about here...that it's a scam?"

" Sh!" She made a quiet gesture, " Yeah, but it pays for my food and I basically get to goof off if I wanted to. Come on, I'll show you around." She placed a hand on his shoulder, leading the [E/C] eyed male inside. All around the store were ugly knick-knacks, some poorly made 'mystery' and a half-filled snack machine that needed to be refilled and cleaned. " This is paradise..." She said as she walked behind the counter and down on the stool.

" For who?" [M/N] asked as he looked around, wondering where Mr.Pines was. Probably selling his mom for a quarter. " The dust bunnies and flies?" He asked as a few flies flew around him, with a frown, he shakes them off with his hand and they flew away.

" Us, we get paid for doing nothing," Wendy said with a smile, picking up a magazine and holding it up. " Just clean once in a while, smile and promote the scam then you can relax." She winked before looking down at the magazine and was immediately grossed by it. [M/N] shakes his head a bit before he looks around the things. Most of them had question marks and things in glass displays. [M/N] then stared at one that looked like a monkey mask with goggle eyes glued to it. " Why?"

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