[6] The Inconveniencing and Lamb Dipper is cute

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[M/N]'s eyes watched Mabel spin around on the globe, nothing has really happened that morning

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[M/N]'s eyes watched Mabel spin around on the globe, nothing has really happened that morning. No customers or dumb tourists either, just a slow day basically, so everyone was doing their own thing. Wendy reading her magazine, Soos doing his own work, Dipper reading the book in the open.

While [M/N] was doing the most important thing of all.

Eating cereal, the skilled art of eating.

"Hey, Mabel, [M/N], do you guys believe in ghosts?" Dipper finally asked, looking up to the two. "I believe you're a big dork," Mabel replied with a giggle, yelping as she fell on the floor when Dipper stopped the globe.

"Soos, Wendy, [M/N]!" Grunkle Stan called as he opened the front door of the shop. Wendy didn't even look up from her magazine as Soos rushed over from the candy machine. [M/N] looked over from his spot, taking a slow bite of cereal while maintaining eye contact with his boss. "I'm headin' out, you three gonna decide who's washing the bathrooms right?" He asked as Soos saluted at him, "Yes sir!" "Absolutely not" "I'm eating."

"Haha! You stay out of trouble." Stan narrowed his eyes before closing the door behind him. [M/N] watched as he sipped the rest of the milk from his bowl, Wendy grins before walking towards the corner of the store where the step ladder for the roof was. "Hey guys, check it out." She said and stopped at the curtain, looking to them with an innocent smile, "what's this?" She pulled it back and gives another smile, "Secret ladder to the roof?" She asked.

"Uh..I don't think Mr.Pines would like that.." Soos said nervously as he glanced at the ladder. Wendy goes to touch it, "Huh?" She goes as Soos made nervous sounds, not wanting Stan to get upset with him over this. "Uhh, I don't think Mr.Pines would like that." Wendy moved her hand, barely touching the ladder, "Huh?"



"Uhh-You're freaking me out dude!" Soos exclaimed as he tugged at his hat a bit. [M/N] and the twins walked closer, they haven't seen the ladder yet. "Can we actually go up there?" Dipper asks with wide eyes and a large grin.  Wendy began climbing up and pushed the hatch open, "Of course! Come on, Rooftop! Rooftop!" She began cheering and climbs up, [M/N] behind her and the twins.

Once they got on the roof, climbing to the other side of the roof where Wendy presents her area of relaxation. "Alright, check it out~"

"Woah, cool!" The twins gasped as [M/N] slides down to sit on the lawn chair with a sigh. "Did you know about this?" Dipper asked as they made their way down onto the ceiling part. [M/n] grins to himself, "Of course, Wendy took me up here last year and I use it to hide from Stan when he wants to give me some chores." 

"Yeah, we both take shifts of coming up here when Stan's around. Like, in between, all the time-er well, we like coming up here to relax and get away from customers who are just pushing it." Wendy explained as she gestures around her as [M/N] flashes Dipper another smile. She moved to the bucket of pinecones and grasped one, hurling it towards the taped bullseye on the fake totem pole. It bounced off after hitting the middle of the bullseye, falling to the ground. 

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