[3] The Legend of the Gobblewonker and [M/N] fighting it

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I do not own Gravity falls, nor the song
( also keep liking and commenting, let me know if you want to see anything specific with [M/N] or more of a something))

I do not own Gravity falls, nor the song( also keep liking and commenting, let me know if you want to see anything specific with [M/N] or more of a something))

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After a few days, everything was back to normal in the Pine household. It was even a peaceful breakfast with the three teens in the kitchen. [M/N] had woken up early and make pancakes for everyone in the household for breakfast. He also made a note to buy groceries later, and new milk too.

" Are you ready for the ultimate challenge?" Mabel asked, holding up Sir Syrup.

"  I'm always ready!" Dipper said holding up Mountie Man.

"Then you know what it means!" Mabel cheered, both twins holding up their syrup bottles with wide grins. " SYRUP RACE!" They both said, holding the bottles upside down as the syrup from their bottles began slowly pouring downwards into their mouths. [M/N] watched and shook his head, looking over the comic as they did their syrup race. Both chanting for the syrup to fall faster but Mabel wins.

" I won! Yes!" Mabel cheered, coughing. " Did you see, [M/N]?"

" Sure did, congrats, as your prize, you can wash the dishes." He said, the female twin whines as she takes her seat. Dipper chuckled as he looked back at the newspaper, his brown eyes glanced before seeing the page on the right. They went wide before looking at his sister excitedly then to their friend , " Ho-Ho, No way! Mable, [M/N], check this out!" Both lean over and [M/N] grins, " No way, $1500 for a picture of something supernatural? Sweet."

" Human-sized hamster balls?!" Mabel gasped, pressing her hands against her cheeks, stars in her brown eyes. " I'm human-sized!!"

" No, no, Mabel!" Dipper laid the newspaper on the table, he points at the page he was looking at. " We've seen weirder things than that everyday!" He gestured the guy in the photo. The guy had taken a photo of some happy monster making the peace sign. "We didn't get any photos of those gnomes, did we?" He asked, glancing at his sister and his friend.

" Nope! Just memories." Mabel chirps, " And this beard hair!"

" One bit me on the leg." [M/N] adds, " And I have a tooth, it was stuck in the wound."

" Ouch, why did you save that?" Dipper questions his sister mostly but she shrugs.

"Good morning, knuckleheads. You two know what day it is?" Stan greets with a question, Dipper glanced at his sister a bit before looking back to their uncle. " Um, happy anniversary?" He said as Mabel throws her hands in the air, "Mazel tov!" [M/N] closed his comic book, looking at Stan. " Happy 100th birthday?" He questions only for him and Dipper to get hit on the head with Stan's rolled up newspaper.

"It's Family Fun Day, geniuses!" Stan said as he opens the door, [M/N]'s nose wrinkles in disgust as Stan sniffed the milk. "We're cuttin' off work and having one of those, you know, bonding-type deals."

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