[5] The Hand that Rocks Mabel; Where [M/N] punches a fat kid

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" For tonight's final illusion, we have the incredible," Stan brings out a sack from behind his back, showing it to the crowd, he jingles it for a bit in front of them. "Sack of Mystery." The crowd was in awe at the fake mysterious sack. " When you put your money in it, it Mysteriously disappears!"

The crowd was in awe, clapping and giving positive mummers of awe at it, everyone handing money into the bag as well. Stan smiles, obviously happy that he could scam these people and [M/N] shakes his head a bit at how dumb people were. He walked back inside the shack and towards the living room where Soos and the twins were. The work day wasn't as bad as it was usually, it was actually pretty calm and nothing has yet to come out the woods and eat them. This time.

"You wouldn't believe what Stan did to the group of morons-"

" Are you completely miserable?" Bud Gleeful's voice drowns out [M/N]'s for a moment.

"Yes!" The actor cries out, lip pouting out a bit.

" Then you need to meet Gideon~"

"Gideon?" Dipper repeats the name. "What makes him so special?" Mabel asked.

" He's a psych." Bud answers her unknowingly. She tilts her head and made a weird cartoon dog sound as [M/N] rolled his eyes. He had met the annoying kid, always claiming he was Stan's biggest rival which was dumb since he did better scams than Stan. Gideon was just an annoying little brat.

" So don't waste your time with the other so-called, "Man of Mystery and his kid of wonder!" Bud continued to trash both [M/N]'s and Stan's name. In the commercial showed [M/N] walking to the port-a-potty with a roll of toilet paper, knocking on the door and Stan coming out to reach for it but grumbles when the last piece was on his shoe, trying to take it off. A big red word, FRAUD, plastered on both of them.

"Learn about tomorrow tonight at Gideon's Tent of Telepathy~" Bud's voiceover is finished just as the next thing added it's weird ending credits . [M/N] scoffed when Mabel was amazed at it. It was nothing special, anyone could be a psych. "Wow! I'm getting all curiousy inside!" Mabel beams.

"Well, don't get too curiousy. Ever since that monster Gideon rolled into town, I've had nothin' but trouble." Stan huffed a bit, flipping his eyepatch up. "You're only mad because he took that spot in the parking lot, that one time." [M/N] pipes up a bit, as Stan shrugs his coat off and hangs it. Mabel stood up from her seat, a smile still planted on her face, " Well, is he really psych?" She questioned.

"I think we should go and find out." Dipper adds, looking to Soos hopefully.

"Never!" Stans cuts in, taking his small tie off. " You're forbidden from patronizing the competition. No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof!" He emphiazes this serious with a shake of his fist as [M/N] nods in agreement, the one thing him and Stan could always agree on was that Gideon was a little brat and a huge creep. Him and his unnaturally white hair. [M/N] saw Dipper and Mabel whispering to each other, and Mabel pulling out a piece of string that was in a knot. Looks like they're going to that freak's tent. Oh, well, nice knowing them-

" So come on down folks!" Bud's voiceover started up again as [M/N] looked to the tv, staring at it as something in him began to stir a bit, nerves or maybe he was hungry? "Gideon is expecting you."

Maybe a tad bit of fear for not only himself, but for the twins. Gideon was a freak of nature with reputation in this weird town. Lots of it.

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