Chapter 9: Is That You?

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Jayden solemnly walked into the doorway, she felt nervous as well. She hadn't seen Captain Dino for over five years! Would he do something bad to her for leaving her crew because Captain Dino abandoned her on the mission to Pasaana? Or would he be happy to see her? She kept wondering about those possibilities, She kept looking down until she heard a familiar voice call her name.

"Jayden Visa! Is that really you? You're look so different!"

Jayden looked to see a man who was in his mid twenties, he had short brown hair, and a green jacket with gray trousers. It was Captain Dino, he was walking toward her in shock. she felt uncomfortable about this. As she never wanted to see Captain Dino after being trained as a Jedi.

"I hardly recognized you!" Dino said in excitement. Jayden was mad at Dino for abandoning her on Pasaana as a child. Dino then noticed a stern expression on Jayden's face as she looked down.

"Are we still friends?" Dino said.

"D*mn you..." Jayden mumbled.

"What did you say?" Dino asked, concerned.

"You should know that I am still not over you abandoning me back on Pasaana..." Jayden said.

"Your mother told me to drop you off there while Jolt, Ralo, Olli, and I smuggled the cargo off the planet." Dino said.  "She didn't trust me to be with you anymore. So I had to abandon you!" he continued.

"I don't believe you. I know what you did. You always hated me!" Jayden began to raise her voice. "YOU ACTED LIKE YOU CARED ABOUT ME AND THEN YOU ABANDONED ME LIKE TRASH!!!" Jayden yelled.

"I NEVER DID THAT!" Dino screamed.

Jayden slapped Dino across his face, causing him to fall to the floor. A few of Dino's crew members saw Jayden slap Dino, they raised their blasters as a threat. Jayden didn't do anything else, she just stood there, regretting what she had done.

"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" Jayden yelled in fear that Captain Dino would do something bad to her. but Dino started to wonder himself, Did Jayden slap him so he could kill her?

"Did you come here to kill me?" Dino said. "Is this revenge for what I've done to you?"

"No, I was captured by your crew." Jayden said. "They said that you wanted to speak with me." she continued. "Why did you want to speak with me?"

"I've heard rumors that a Jedi had survived the destruction of Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple, and somehow, I felt like I knew it was you." Dino said.

"It was me." Jayden said.

"Well then, let me see the lightsaber you constructed." Dino said with his hand out. Jayden unhooked her lightsaber from her belt and handed it to Dino. He activated the lightsaber, revealing a glowing sky blue blade.

"It's a beautiful color." Dino said as he deactivated it, then giving it back to Jayden. However, this reminded Dino of something he found while Jayden was gone, He knew that what he had found was a Jedi artifact.

"There is something I need to show you." Dino said. "Follow me." Dino walked away into another room, Jayden followed him.

The prison cell was very uncomfortable for Connor and all three members of the entire Shield Squadron. Everybody was squished by each other and Nobody could move.

"Draco! Get off me!" Connor yelled.

"I'm not the one who should be lashing out at! Yell at Shira!" Draco said.

"Don't yell at me Draco! Yell at Oberon!" Shira said.

Oberon put his hands up. "I can't help it!" he said. Connor then started to hear someone or something breathing in the other cell, he didn't know what or who it was , but it was intriguing nonetheless.

"Who is that in the other cell?" Connor said. Draco looked curious, so he pushed his way to the window of the cell. Draco saw a teenaged boy, sitting down alone in the cell, he had a black jumpsuit, a white belt, and brownish-black hair. By just looking at the boys belt, Draco knew what he was, He was a Stormtrooper. A Stormtrooper who had been stripped from his armor, he was only down to a jumpsuit, boots, and a belt,

"It's a First Order Stormtrooper!" Draco yelled. "I'm gonna kill him!" Draco continued as he got out his twin blaster pistols out. Connor saw him about to kill the boy.

"No! Hold up!" Connor yelled as he approached Draco. "Back off! I need to speak to him!" Draco moved out of the way so Connor could speak to the boy.

"Hey!" Connor asked. "Are you a stormtrooper?"

"I-I used to be..." the boy said, He was shy. The boy looked at Connor through the bars and saw his green flight suit. "W-wait a second! Y-you are a New Republic pilot! P-please don't hurt me!" he yelled.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Connor said, he looked at Draco. "Well, he might." Connor said as he pointed to Draco. Draco just gave Connor an evil stare as he rolled his eyes. "My name is Connor Jade Terranove." Connor said.

"I-I'm ARN-5506." ARN-5506 said.

"What?" Connor said, confused.

"That's my number. The First Order doesn't give us names, They give us numbers." ARN-5506 said.

"Well, I'm not using that. You'll need a nickname because I'm not going to say 'ARN-5506' all the time if you join us, That's a mouthful." Connor said." "A, R, N..." Connor mumbled to himself before looking back at the boy.

"How about Aaron..." Connor said, he tried to think of a last name. "Obyonek! Does that sound nice?" Connor said.

"Aaron Obyonek... Yeah! I like that name!" Aaron said.

"It's good to meet you Aaron!" Connor yelled loudly.

"Good to meet you to Connor!" Aaron yelled loudly as well.

The Lasat pirate heard the loud greetings between Aaron and Connor. He walked toward Aaron's cell and went inside.

"Hey! Ya aren't supposed to talk with the the other prisoners! Ya hear me!" the Lasat yelled while popping his knuckles.

"W-well, I-I can expl-" Aaron said, but he never got to finish his sentence because the Lasat punched him hard in the face, knocking him to the floor, but not with enough force to knock him unconscious, giving Aaron a bloody nose.

The Lasat stormed out of the cell, angry at Aaron. Shira, Oberon and Connor were horrified to see what happened. Draco didn't really care, as he tried to kill him before.

"Are you okay?" Connor asked in shock.

"Yeah, I'll live..." Aaron said, wiping the blood from his nose.

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