Chapter 18: Leaving Ti'kal

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Once they stepped out of their huts, Connor and Aaron seemed both confused and tired, yet they were fully dressed and somehow ready for the day although it was barely morning.

"Jayden, what's going on?" Connor asked, both nervous and confused.

"The First Order is on their way right now!" Jayden said, Both Aaron and Connor look at each other, confused.

"What do you mean?" Aaron said.

"I had another vision where I spoke to Cantor, he said that he knows where I am and what planet I am on!" Jayden said. She dropped to her knees and tears streamed down her cheeks. "I-I guess I-I'm a fugitive..." Jayden said as she cried.

"Jayden, visions through the Force can be misleading." Fennec said. "Maybe it was false, and maybe Cantor doesn't even know where you are now." Jayden knew that Fennec was wrong. and that her vision was legit, and that she knew that Cantor was coming for her, and maybe Aaron since he is a fugitive as well.

"Mum, the vision is real. It wasn't like a vision of the future or the past." Jayden said as she sighed. "This was a vision of the present." Fennec knew what this was. It wasn't a vision, It was a Force-bond.

"What you experienced could have been a Force-bond." Fennec said. "Some Force-sensitive beings can communicate across the galaxy, They can see and feel each other through the Force. Now, You all need to move now if the First Order really is on their way here!" Connor, Aaron, and Jayden began to run down the mountain and towards the Razor. However, Jayden noticed that Fennec was staying behind, she did not want to leave her mother again. Jayden ran towards the Jedi Master and grabbed her hand.

"Mum, Please! Come with us!" Jayden said.

"I have to stay here and guard one of the first of the Jedi Temples." Fennec said. "I'm not going to let a piece of history be destroyed by the First Order!"

Connor grabbed Jayden's hand and pulled her away from Fennec, just as he did on Quasar when pulling her from Captain Dino. 

Connor, Aaron, and Jayden all ran down the mountain. Once they got to the bottom of the mountain, they saw multiple TIE Fighters and TIE Bombers bombing nearby mountains, causing multiple avalanches.

"They're already here!" Aaron said. The trio ran through the vast rainforest and before they knew it, they saw both the Razor parked in the middle of the forest and AM-76 rolling towards them. The little droid saw his owner and his two friends running towards both him and the ship, AM-76 asked why they are back so early in distorted beeps and chirps.

"The First Order is here, We need to move!" Connor told the droid. They ran to the Razor and climbed in the ship.

Draco Frierza, Oberon Takin, and Shira Daheli were playing holochess when they saw Connor, Aaron, and Jayden return. AM-76 in front of them.

"Where in blazes were you all?! We were just about to leave!" Draco said.

"No time to explain! We have to leave this planet as soon as possible!" Jayden yelled. Oberon and Shira ran towards the cockpit of the ship and got into their seats, Oberon in the pilot's seat, Shira in the co-pilot's seat. They started the Razor's engine, and the ship flew off into the sky.

As the Razor was just about to leave Ti'kal's atmosphere, a TIE Fighter noticed it and began firing on the ship, shaking everything and everyone in the ship.

"WHAT WAS THAT?!" Aaron yelled. Connor and Jayden ran to the cockpit of the ship and looked outside the cockpit's window, they saw three TIE Fighters circling the ship, but only one of them was firing.

"Connor and Jayden, Get to the cannons!" Oberon said. Both Connor and Jayden ran through the hallway and climbed down the ladder to the cannons, they sat next to each other and activated the cannons. It was hard for them to get a clean shot on the TIE Fighters, as the Razor kept moving and drifting away from the TIEs. But once the TIEs were in range, Connor shot at one and Jayden shot at one. The last TIE in the air had a more skilled pilot, he managed to take out the Razor's transmitting dish.

"No, no, no! D*mmit!" Oberon yelled. Both Connor and Jayden could hear that from the cannons. Draco, AM-76 and Aaron heard that from the main living area.

"What happened? Are we okay?" Shira asked.

"No! We lost our transmitting dish!" Oberon yelled. He turned his head backwards. "Connor! Jayden! Can you all try to fire on that last TIE?" he continued. Connor and Jayden tried to fire on the starfighter, but they never could destroy it.

"It's out of range!" Connor yelled.

Oberon sighed, he knew that they had to find another way to destroy that TIE Fighter. Both him and Shira decided to do the impossible. They located the last TIE and rammed the Razor into it, destroying the last of the TIE Fighters that were nearby.

"WOO! YEAH!" Connor yelled. The Razor left Ti'kal's atmosphere and jumped to hyperspace. Maybe this was the Shield Squadron's time to relax for a little while.

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