Chapter 14

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It is currently the next day in the Snape house. As Harry woke up to the light pouring through his curtains, he couldn't help feel the excitement fill up inside him. Reaching for his glasses on his night stand, Harry tore the covers off his body and quickly got around. He pulled on his slightly over-sized jeans and wrinkled, large shirt; frowning as he looked down at his self. Although he doesn't want Severus to pay for his stuff still, he did in fact need new clothes. Sighing, he looked back at his bed and the thrown blankets all over the floor. Harry smiled slightly as he walked over and neatly laid the blankets back on to the bed in a folded pile. Harry grabbed his wand and placed it safely in his pocket before opening his door.

Walking out into the quiet hallway, he hears the quiet clattering of pans and soft music playing on a radio from down the stairs. He chuckled softly as he closed his door behind him and walked down the steps to the kitchen. Upon his arrival, Severus can be seen placing strips of bacon and eggs on two plates. The black haired man looked up and smiled.

"Good morning Harry. Go ahead and have a seat. Once we eat, we'll head to Diagon Alley." Severus says as he turns around to put the pans back on the oven top. Harry walked over to the table and sat down. Severus opens the refrigerator and pulls out a carton of pumpkin juice along with two cups from the cupboard before also having a seat. "How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good. I'm kind of excited to go to Diagon Alley today." Harry replies while taking a cup and pouring his juice. Severus smiled at him and did the same with his cup. The two sat in comfortable silence, occasionally talking about the the potion ingredients he needed to buy today. Soon enough, both had finished eating and Severus set a charm on the dishes to wash and put their selves away while the two were gone. Severus and Harry made their way to the living and got ready.

"Alright Harry, I'm going to put charms on us to change our appearance for other people. The last thing we need is any publicity. Here take this jacket." Severus explains and pulls a black sweatshirt out of the closet.

"Why Severus?" Harry asks as he took hold of the soft cotton. He inspected the material delicately. This was the first piece of clothing he's ever received that wasn't stained or ripped. As he slipped the jacket on, Severus continues explaining.

"Because although the charm may change your physical appearances like your face structure or voice, after a little bit of time, any scars you have will show through. Meaning the scar on your forehead and the more recent scars on your wrists, hence the jacket." Severus finishes explaining as he also puts on a dark green jacket. Harry pulls up the sleeve on his arm and brushes his hand over the white lines. He nods in understanding and pulls the sleeve back down.

"I understand Severus. So, who are we going to look like?" Harry questions and closes the closet for the older man.

"I'm going to give you blonde hair and blue eyes, I'm also going to adjust your height a little shorter. I'm going to give myself glasses and shorter hair but keeping my height the same. I'm not changing to much about our appearances so the spell will last a little longer but it'll be enough for a few hours. If I start to notice your lightning bolt show through we're going to head straight back home, or if you notice the scars on your wrists show through you let me know okay?" Harry nods and gives a small smile. "Okay Severus."

Severus smiles back and nods. He says the spell and slowly, their bodies morphed into the features Severus had talked about. Harry looked at the mirror hanging by the closet and noted to himself not to dye his hair blonde. He chuckled and looked over to Severus.

"Alright, once we get in public you can address me either by dad or Brian. I'll just call you son or Jared. Now come on child, let's be off." Severus says and grabs Harry's hand. They step into the floo as Severus grabs a handful of floo powder.

Harry smiles and grips the older man's hand a little tighter. "Alright dad."

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