Chapter : 18

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The Fascinating Fake Money in the Giants (eighteen)

The next day, at breakfast, Cheng Feng proposed to hold a grand 18th birthday banquet for Qi Ze, invite friends and relatives, and formally introduce him to everyone as Young master Cheng .

In fact, it is not necessary for him to have such a big fanfare, because the business and entertainment edition magazine has also published news about the Cheng family's replacement of children. Probably no one in the high circle does not know about this strange thing.

Cheng Yan lowered her head and sipped milk silently, her heartbeat was a little faster.

According to the development of the plot, the white moonlight proposed to study in the UK after this birthday banquet next week. The Cheng family already has a veritable second child. Her situation of fake money will become embarrassing so thought she might as well go far away.

Of course, there is no reason for Cheng Feng to disagree. As for the male lead, even though he couldn't let go of white moonlight for a while, he also couldn't forget how she treated him mercilessly, so he just watched indifferently as she left.

Cheng Yan secretly felt a sigh of relief, the plot power is very powerful, there should be no mistakes, her drama should be completed, right?

She lowered her head, thinking of all this, not even moving the fork in her hand.

In the eyes of others, the girl's dazedness looked more like she was frustrated because her birthday was ignored because she was born on the same day as Qi Ze.

Cheng Xiangyang was so distressed that he wanted to hug her, knowing that he couldn't persuade his father to give her a birthday banquet, so he thought that he would have to invite all his friends and classmates for her birthday, so that she would not be left alone anf feel sad.

Even Qi Ze looked at her with dark eyes.

Cheng Yan didn't pay attention to this, she was very relaxed, pondering the reaction that the original owner should have at this time. After taking a few sips, she said she was full and got up to leave.

Qi Ze picked up a napkin and wiped the corners of his lips, and got up and left.

Cheng Xiangyang frowned, and was about to get up and said he was full, and was stopped by Cheng Feng: "Yang Yang, sit down, I want to tell you something."


Cheng Yan returned to the bedroom, and when she was about to close the door, suddenly a hand was stretched out to hold the door frame and pushed the door halfway open. She looked up in surprise, Qi Ze was standing at the door and looked at her with a silent expression.

She asked indifferently, "What are you doing?"

Qi Ze laughed: "Are you sure you want to talk here?"

After a moment, Cheng Yan withdrew, let him enter the room, and closed the door.

Qi Ze sat down on the folding chair of the balcony, and there were some fruits on the table, and a shining fruit knife.

He took a red apple and peeled it with a knife. The speed was very stable, and the apple peel fell on his long fingertips.

Cheng Yan didn't understand what he was doing, and after a while, she walked to the balcony, sat opposite him, and asked directly: "Don't you say it's good to not know? Is there anything to talk about?"

Qi Ze's hand was light With a slight shake, all the apple peels dropped, and a full and juicy apple appeared on his palm, and he passed his hand forward.

Quick Transmigration : Male lead's white moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now