Chapter : 24

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Fascinating Fake Money in the Giants (Twenty-Four)

    Qi Ze went to the bathroom to take a cold shower. The effect of medicine was not very strong, and he could still barely restrain himself. 

    Cheng Yan was relieved, afraid he would suddenly come out again, so she picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on. 

    It was just that the zipper of the long dress was too high, and she couldn't pull it on her back. 

    At this time, Qi Ze opened the bathroom door, came out, stood behind her, picked up her long hair, pulled the zipper, his fingertips were cold, and wet. 

    Cheng Yan froze, but she was a little surprised at the bottom of her heart. Is he so good? 

    With bare feet, Qi Ze covered his body with only a towel around his waist, he had wide shoulders and narrow hips, strong abdominal muscles, and long legs, revealing a somewhat suffocating ambiguity and male hormones. 

    When wearing clothes, Qi Ze looked like a teenager, but when undressed, he even had some adult male temperament. 

    Cheng Yan looked away and pursed her lips. 

    "You wait here." Qi Ze didn't care if she was here, he just put the towel on the edge of the bed, put on his clothes, and said, "I'll buy you what you need." 

Cheng Yan didn't reacted towards his words.

    Qi Ze was naked, was wearing a pair of trousers with his head down, and made a move, he suddenly leaned down toward her, raised her chin, stared at her eyes, and said coldly, "Do you think it is natural for me to help you? Shouldn't you thank me? " 

    Cheng Yan patted his hand away:" I didn't ask you to do it, I can buy it myself. " 

    Qi Ze said saltily:" Ok, you go. " 

    His eyes fell on her hips, the white skirt had an obvious bloodstain. 

    Cheng Yan glanced at him, and after a long while, she muttered reluctantly, "Thank you!"

    Qi Ze smiled unclearly, stretched out his hands and put on the shirt, and fastened the buttons quickly and smoothly. He picked up the coat on the ground, patted it, but he did not wear it, instead put it on her shoulder. 

    Cheng Yan also knew that her skirt was dirty, so she did not reject his jacket. 

    Qi Ze's tone didn't care much: "Doesn't the stomach hurt?" 

    Cheng Yan stared at him, as if she was impatient: "It hurts, so can you be quicker ?" 

    Qi Ze froze and turned. When he walked out, and pulled the door open, he suddenly stood still, motionless. 

    Before Cheng Yan had time to ask what was going on, she heard a loud slap in the face, and then there was an angry voice from Cheng Feng: "Someone said I didn't believe it! Did you really went to the same room with her?" 

    Cheng Yan saw Cheng Feng was standing at the door, his face full of anger and had gloomy eyes. 

    Standing next to him was Jiang Wanzhi and Lin Jiaoran, and when she saw that Lin Jiaoran's face was clearly smiling, Cheng Yan's gaze flickered slightly, and there was some speculation, and her expression became cold. 

    Cheng Feng also saw the girl standing in the room. He pushed Qi Ze away, strode towards her, and raised his hand, and wanted to hit her: "You stayed in the house, just because you wanted to seduce my son!!"

Quick Transmigration : Male lead's white moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now