Chapter : 20

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The Fascinating Fake Money in gaints (20)

In the novel, the first person to know the female lead Bai Li was Qin Xiu. Bai Li's family was not in good financial condition. She was a waiter in Qin Xiu's hotel. At that time, white moonlight had just left the country, and Qin Xiu was feeling uncomfortable. After getting to know Bai Li with the same face as the girl he likes, after getting familiar with it one or two years later, he didn't know how to fall in love with her, so he recommended her to enter the entertainment industry as an artist.

Cheng Yan wants Bai Li to appear in advance and control the plot to escape, so she has to find a way to let the male lead and the female lead meet early.

Therefore, when discussing the location of the birthday banquet, she seemed to inadvertently lead the location to the hotel where the female lead was located. Cheng Feng and Qin Jiazheng had a close business relationship and naturally agreed.

However, Cheng Feng also looked at her more and said, "Qin Xiu is very good and doesn't care about your birth. You should cherish it yourself."

Cheng Yan didn't speak, her eyes were frosty.

Like Wei Yang, she is only a small supporting role in the novel. After the show is finished, Qin Xiu should not and will not have any long-term development with her.

After the birthday banquet would be over, it will be the time for her to leave.

Cheng Yan couldn't help but look forward to the days when she would go abroad to play. She would leave this world after the happy ending of the male and female leads.

This task is sweet in the early stages, heart abuse in the middle, release in the later stages, well barely ..... isn't it too difficult???


Time flies fast, in the blink of an eye, today is the night before the birthday party.

After having dinner tonight, Cheng Xiangyang took her secretly out the door, saying that he would be busy tomorrow and couldn't give her a birthday party, so he gave it to her ahead of time tonight.

Cheng Xiangyang drove his car and stopped at the gate of the entertainment club.

He drove and asked her to get out of the car. She had just stood still and saw a group of rich second-generations standing shoulder-to-shoulder and standing in a row at the door, each with a good looking face and long legs, soliciting guests with the club, like a young master.

"Hello, sister--"

Neat and uniform voice, with some inherent laziness.

"..." Cheng Yan looked at Cheng Xiangyang. "These are ..."

Cheng Xiangyang: " Fox and dog friends, don't care about them. If i am not afraid of you being deserted, I won't invite them."

Several people laughed.

"Fuck! Cheng Shao, you fucking dog!"

" Boring, can't you just introduce Lao Tzu seriously?"

"Come here, sister, follow the brothers and ignore the dog stuff."

Several people crowded Cheng Xiangyang aside, enthusiastically crowded Cheng Yan, and while walking inwardly, introduced themselves eloquently.

Cheng Yan didn't understand who was who. Only Jiang Yi, who was so handsome, was around, and she remembered that he was another man who would like the female lead. He was proud in the bones, but he looked very apparent on the surface. Like a brother next door, the prodigal son turned back after meeting the female lead.

Quick Transmigration : Male lead's white moonlightWhere stories live. Discover now