This is a Gym?!

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So I've been playing the Gen 5 games recently, and they made me think about this old idea. I don't know why I haven't continued it since, and I don't know if I'll even continue it now. But there's still much I want to do with it, so I'm willing to try again. Hopefully I can make this last longer this time, hehe...

Anyway enjoy this long belated chapter.

"What the hell did you say?"

I gulped when he began to approach, his eyes locked onto me like a predator on prey. When he took a step forward, I took a step back. When he made a sudden movement, I'd flinch away. Is this what it felt like to be cornered, because even though there were many places to escape to, I felt like I had nowhere to go. The boy seemed to get bored, and was suddenly in front of me after taking two long strides. By this point, my whole body was shaking, yet I couldn't move.

He raised an impatient eyebrow, his arms crossed over his chest which made him even more dominant. I glanced over his shoulder at Zorua, wondering why he'd suddenly grown quiet, only to find Patrat had him in the same position its trainer had with me. The Plasma boy's eyes narrowed as they examined me, and I wondered if he planned to keep me in this position until I broke off into a run.

But then he shoved his head forward violently without warning, which I took as a move to attack. I jumped back and tripped over my own feet, falling onto my tailbone with a painful thud.

A round of loud, mocking laughter soon filled my ears.

He was... laughing at me?

"Oh my God, you're so pathetic!" The boy cackled, clutching his stomach with one hand while slapping the other over his face. I just sat there, feeling ashamed and slightly embarrassed as he poked fun at me for nearly two minutes. After awhile, he stopped.

"Aww, I'm sorry, was this yours?" He asked in a baby voice, holding out the Pokeball containing Purrloin. I nodded, still unable to look him in the eye "Well then, go on. Take it, as an apology."

Why did I feel like he didn't actually want me to take it?

Despite my gut feeling, my hand began shakily reaching for the Pokeball. But in my head I thought, was this actually right? I didn't catch Purrloin, even if it was my Zorua who did most of the damage. And, was this guy actually genuine? His goal was to free Pokemon from trainers, wasn't it? It didn't add u—

All of a sudden, my wrist was encased by a large gloved hand.

I should've listened to my gut...

The boy held my gaze with a glare, but that didn't stop me from trying to free my hand from his ridiculously tight grip. He rolled his eyes and placed Purrloin's capsule into his pocket, before kneeling down in front of me and taking hold of my other hand to stop me from clawing at his.

"Did you actually think I'd give it to you?" He growled.

"N-No, I—"

"You're lucky I'm feeling generous, or else I would've taken your sad excuse for a dark type already."

I began shaking. Why would he even consider taking another trainer's Pokemon? His grip tightened and he yanked me forward, causing a pathetic squeak to escape my lips. Now our noses were almost touching.

"But I'll just settle for the Purrloin, since I am pretty busy. Consider yourself privileged." He muttered lowly, blue eyes narrowing which made an evil glint. I couldn't move. I was too terrified.

But then he let go, which resulted in me falling forward onto my face. He scoffed when rising to his feet.

"You really are pathetic." He growled "Your Pokemon are better off without you. Go home, before you hurt yourself... Patrat, move out!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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