You stole my catch!

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Zorua perched on my shoulder, face nuzzled into my hair as we listened to Professor Juniper talk about her request. Apparently, she had originally planned on asking Hilda, Bianca and Cheren to fill up this thing called a Pokédex; a device that automatically records the pokemon encountered during our travels. She wanted the three of them to travel the world and meet all the Pokemon in the Unova region.

"It was just going to be the three of you... Until I heard of Kat's arrival." She turned to me and Zorua, who stared at her curiously "I figured the best way to get to know a new region was to go on a journey with Pokemon, so you can visit many new places and meet new friends and rivals; people and Pokemon alike!"

Zorua and I exchanged glances. Me? Go on a journey, with Pokemon? We'd barely moved! And I only just turned 15! Sure, most go on their journey when they turn 10... I didn't do that, and for a good reason!

"Umm... Professor?" I raised my hand, flustered when all eyes were turned to me "M-My parents don't know about this... Will they approve?"

"Oh, not to worry! I already cleared things up with them! You have their full support!"


"Anyhow, this is my request." The woman clapped her hands together and smiled "Hilda! Cheren! Bianca! Katrina! You'll go on an adventure to complete the pokedex, will you not?"

Hilda was first to answer, tickling Snivy under the chin "Of course! I've always wanted to go on a journey, I just didn't know when the time was!"

Bianca joined in "OK!" She slapped a hand over her mouth "I mean... Yes, Professor!"

"Thank you very much." Cheren bowed respectfully, Tepig doing the same as if to mimic his trainer's attitude "Because of you, I can become a Pokemon trainer... Just as I've always wished."

Suddenly, all eyes were on me again.

"Kat?" Hilda called out "What about you?"

"Um," I laughed nervously, my thumbs twiddling around each other as I spoke "I don't know."

"...You... don't know?" Cheren repeated slowly, his eyebrows furrowed "A journey is great opportunity, you know."

I nodded "I know, I'm just not sure it's an opportunity I'm ready to take... I mean, could I really be a good trainer?"

"Of course, anybody could be an amazing trainer!" Bianca exclaimed "And look! Zorua already likes you a bunch!"

It was true; the small fur ball had taken a shine to me almost instantly, and he showed it by the way he remained nestled comfortably on my shoulder. Suddenly though, his paw prodded my cheek, which caused me to turn to it in confusion.

"What's up?"

he yapped, tail wagging and eyes shining with determination as he nodded his head. I raised an eye in confusion.

"You want me to say yes?"

He barked.

"Y-You really think I could do something like that?"

He nodded again and jumped off my shoulder, now standing in front of me with determination. Was he telling me to take the first step? I'd never been urged forward by a Pokémon before, but then again I've never had to be... However, Zorua seemed confident that I had potential, and it looked like Cheren, Bianca and Hilda did too.

Well, I never was good at disagreeing with people...

So, taking a deep breath I turned to Professor Juniper and bowed my head.

"Professor... I accept!"



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