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I'm so sorry for the sloppy chapter

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I'm so sorry for the sloppy chapter. I know it feels off, I'll edit it later.

Donghyuck walked down the street back home from school. He had his earphones plugged in, dancing with his arms as he walked and softly singing along with the song that played.

His mom told him to go home directly after school to clean his room properly and only after that he could begin his long weekend. He and Chan had planned on going to play basketball at the park so he was in a really good mood.

Taking a shortcut from an alleyway that his mom swore she saw a cat get murdered in, he covered his nose from the awful smell and was finally able to breathe when he stepped out. He took a left, walking ahead one house before reaching his and he stopped dead in his tracks.

"Hyung?" he pulled out his earphones and they fell near his feet, Chan's head turning in his direction.

He was seated on the porch, slowly drawing a cigarette away from his lips with panicked eyes. "Donghyuck..." He dropped it and stood to grind his heel against the bud. "You're home early," He felt like he had been caught cheating and was trying to destroy the evidence, but it was too late. Donghyuck had already seen and it wasn't a secret anymore.

The high schooler scoffed at Chan's attempt of a cover up, narrowing his eyes at him. "Are you serious? Smoking?"

Chan cowered, embarrassment washing over him. The last time he felt guilty about smoking was when his parents found out. The last time he recognised feeling guilty about smoking, at least.

But now that Donghyuck knew and he wasn't very happy, he felt his rebellious teenage years replaying. And it wasn't very nice.

"I'm not addicted, okay?"

"I don't care!" Donghyuck threw his hands up into the air, bringing them back down in fists. "You're an athlete and you smoke? You know the effects of nicotine and tobacco on your lungs and you still do it? Am I understanding this situation properly?"

Chan ran a hand down his face, overwhelmed with so many thoughts. He should've known he would be faced with this conversation sometime while he visited. But he never prepared for it. And now he looked stupid. "It's n—"

"Does Jinyu know?"


Donghyuck rolled his eyes. "Jinyu. Your girlfriend. Does she know you smoke?"

Chan was taken aback. He never felt this powerless speaking to someone. "She does, but just listen. I can quit whenever I want to. I didn't realise that it would upset you this much," He really could. He could stop right then. That could've been his last cigarette. He was capable.

"She knows you smoke but she didn't do anything about it?" Donghyuck was grilling him at this point. He couldn't help his confusion. He was dumbfounded. "I'm a teenager telling an adult things that he should know. An adult who studies this stuff. Doesn't this bother you at all?"

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