Thirteen: Merry Christmas

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The week in Cleveland was so much fun. We looked at the rock and roll hall of fame. We saw MJ's silver glove, and one of Lady Gaga's crazy outfits. Then we stopped at the football hall of fame. We got home around 6:30 pm that night. It was Christmas Eve. The snow covered the ground like a big, blank, white blanket. Mom already set the dining room table. The table was full of turkey, ham, cookies, cake, stuffing, and the best of all mashed potatoes with gravy my favorite. Later that night I got a call from Jack.

"Hello?" Said Jack.

"Jack, hey how are you? We just got home. You want to come over."

" Sure I'll have to ask my mom. I'm doing good. You?"

"Better than ever. Bring your parents to. It shouldn't be that bad."

"They said yes. We'll be right over soon, see ya."

"See ya soon to, bye," I hang up.

"Who was that honey?" asks my mom.

"It was just jack. He's aloud to come over to right? Him and his parents?"

"Yes, of course,"  and in about five minutes Jack entered the house. We said a prayer for our family's, friends, M-M-Ma, I can't even say her name without crying. Then we dug into the Christmas feast. Later we traded presents. James got me surface pro three, he got in the color blue. Then James did something unexpectedly. He did got down on one knee and got a black box out of his pocket. He opened it.

"Allison Wells, will you be my loving wife for my life?" I covered my mouth in shock.

"Ye-Yes," I say. He slips the ring on my finger and kisses me. His lips are warm and soft. He tastes like cinnamon. He breaks apart and I look at the ring. It's solid diamond and is beautiful. I hug him. I can hear my mothers glad sobs. Later that night I sat on James lap while watching some of our favorite Christmas movies. We watched Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer, Frosty the snowman, a Christmas story, and home alone one and two. I had my very on fairy tale. Later that night James slept over.And he didn't sleep in the guest room.


That morning I unpacked my clothes. Half of them will probably sit in a pile in my closet. I slip on my engagement ring on.

"Morning princess," said James as he woke up.

"Good morning," I said. I walked over to my bookshelf and dragged my fingers over my Vector Vampire series. All the dust collects on my fingers. I go, and grab the last Vector Vampire book and put it right next to the series. I laugh, and stare at the books. It's already over. The whole series. I decide to go down stairs and make James and myself some eggs. As I make my eggs I turn on the tv. All they talk about Christmas and weather. I hear James come down stairs.

"What is Chef Wells making today?" asked James.

"Eggs for my boyfriend and I," I say. He laughs.

"I didn't know I was that special."

"Stop, your very special to me."

"Ahhhhhhh." He walks over to me while I cook. His lips find my neck.

"Our eggs will burn if we start to make out in my mother's kitchen." He smiles and laughs. We both sit down and eat our eggs. Then I start to think about marriage, children, and moving in.

"James," I ask, "when will we get married, or have children?"

"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see."



Hi!!! I will try and finish this book by January 1 or the end of December. Anyway, I will get to you soon. I'm going to go start chapter 14. BYE!!!!!


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