Our love is God Part 1

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Fiona and Alastor were having a great time together. They wanted to celebrate their engagement with some of their friends and colleagues. Fiona was so happy and the girls surrounded her and couldn't believe that she is the first of them to get married. Even Alastor's co-workers couldn't believe that he was getting married in over a year. The bosses of Fiona and Alastor were also there to congratulate them. They celebrated in the bar where Husk is working. Husk wasn't really happy about this and couldn't stand Alastor's happy smile. Dorothy realized that Husk was looking grumpy at Alastor and Fiona and was worried that he will ruin the evening. She was happy that nothing bad happened. Everyone was celebrating and cheering for the engaged couple. Dolores then joined Dorothy. She somehow could tell what Dorothy was worried about. "No need to worry. Alastor would never leave her. It's the first time in years I saw him this happy and full of joy.", she said calmly and smiles softly. "I know you are worried about Husk. Sure, he is still mad about the fact that Alastor left him, but their relationship didn't work out," she explained to Dorothy and watched Alastor how he dances with his most beloved one. Alastor was walking over to Husk and asks him if he likes to join him for hunting. Dolores looks over at them. "How about while the men hunt, we ride horses?", Dolores suggests and the women agreed to this. Fiona was happy to do something together with the others and that also her beloved man has some fun as well. They all had a good time, but not really all.


Fiona was taking care of her totally drunken man. She chuckles softly while she drags him inside the house and upstairs. He suddenly started to sing a love song, while they walked upstairs to their bedroom. When they did enter the room, he suddenly takes her hands and starts to dance with her while singing. "Darling, you're totally drunken," she said joyfully, and it was also the first time she saw him like this. "I don't c... care...", he said drunkenly, and she also could smell it a bit. Then she tries to get him into bed, but he had other plans. He was pushing her into the bed, kissing her wildly like he was a naughty teenage boy. Fiona started to pant into the kiss, feeling his tongue sliding into her mouth. He tried to take off his clothes, that didn't work as he wanted. In the end, he could get off his vest and shirt. Then he takes off his pants and tries to undress her then. Fiona was panting even more by his kisses and touch, then she suddenly did hear a snore. Right at the moment, where he did open her blouse, he has fallen asleep. Fiona looked at his sleeping face. She was shaking her head a bit with a smile gracing her lips, pushing him softly next to her. She was pulling the blanket over his body. Then she was getting up and does change her clothes to her nightgown. Fiona snuggled herself against her beloved future husband and does fall soon asleep.


The next day, Alastor was having a hangover. His head hurts so badly and he didn't want to stand up. "I shouldn't have drunken that much...", he thought to himself, and does regret it. Fiona was giving him a glass of water and medicine for his headache. "Good morning, my horny fiancé.", she said smirking, and he looked at her shocked. "Wh... what?", he asked her and lays his hands on her upper arms. He didn't care about his hangover anymore because he was more scared about the fact that he has maybe done something to his beloved woman, what she maybe didn't want. "It's okay. You also fell asleep while trying to undress me.", she chuckles softly and gives him a soft kiss on the lips. She still could smell and taste the bitter red wine he did drink last night. He was relieved after she told him that nothing bad had happened. He slowly did calm down, taking the medicine and looking her straight into the green eyes.

"Fiona, you scared me to death...", he said while looking away then. She was lying her hand on his cheek, softly forcing him to look at her. "I love you, Alastor. Also, even if something did happen, I wouldn't regret it.", she said with a loving smile on her lips. He slowly did calm down and gave her a loving kiss. Fiona also had some bite marks on her body. These come from Alastor. She allows him to bite her and have a taste of her blood and flesh. He often feels guilty after he couldn't hold back to bite her hard and drink her blood. He was thirsty and hungry after her, but he was scared to hurt her or accidentally kill her while he is drawn in his animalistic desires. When she suddenly gave noises out of pain, then he stopped and looked shocked at her with so much fear in his eyes. She would calm him down and tell him that she was alright.


Some hours later. Fiona was riding with the other girls in the snowy forest, while Alastor was hunting with his colleagues and friend Husk. Fiona enjoyed the Small talk with the other women and being on a horse. "Miss Fiona? Do you already know when and where the wedding shall be?", Dolores asked the red-haired woman carefully. "We agreed that next year would be too soon and we also want to celebrate the Wedding at the end of May or at the beginning of June.", Fiona told them, they sure will also get invited to the wedding. "Then you still have enough time to plan everything.", Maria said teasing her friend who started to laugh now. "What do you think, will the boys be successful with their hunting?", Dolores was a bit curious about it.

"Hopefully we have something to eat and don't have to get back home with empty stomachs.", Dorothy replayed and the girls were laughing. The girls enjoyed their time together. "Too bad that we have winter so we could have gotten some berries to eat.", was coming from Holly who was also a nurse working in the hospital where also Fiona, Dorothy and Maria work at. Holly was a quiet and timid person but once she made friends she could be the total opposite. She had long brown hair and brown eyes with freckles on her face and wearing glasses. "Holly, you really think most of the time about food.", Dorothy was teasing her a bit and Holly was sticking her tongue out cheekily. "Food is something wonderful and great!", Holly only replayed and the other did start to chuckle.


Alastor was being busy hunting and was looking at the ground. He found traces of a deer that he wanted to hunt. They already did hunt some rabbits and ptarmigans, but these are just small animals and nothing big. "The deer must have been here a while ago.", he mumbles to himself thinking. He then heard some cracking noises. "Look.", his college Martin quietly shouted to him to not scare the deer away. It was an amazing animal that looks so much like after true pride and elegance. Alastor was holding up his gun and was focusing on the deer not far away from him. But then there was a gunshot and the deer does run away. "Dammit!", he cursed and looks at the others and wondered who did shot. "Don't look at us." "None of us did shoot," they said but they were the only ones here in the deep forest. Then they did hear a woman scream and a horse. "Didn't the girls ride this direction?", one of the men said curiously. Alastor was already running in the direction where it comes from. "Alastor wait!", one of them shouted and Husk followed him.

A bit later, the other men followed. Alastor was scared and hoped that Fiona was alright. Then a horse was running closer to a cliff with a red-haired woman on it. "FIONA!", he was screaming in shock and was running after them. He was like a wild cat running after his prey. Fiona was scared and was holding onto the neck of the horse. There was a shoot close to her horse and it started to shies and to run away. The girls tried to catch up with her but Fiona's horse was a lot stronger and faster than the others. Alastor catches the reins of the horse and tries to sit on it and behind Fiona. He barely managed to get on the horse and calm it down. Fiona was close falling down and he holds her in his arms. She was so scared. She thought she will die.

Alastor does hold her close and tries to calm her down, while the others did reach them and most of the men have lost their breath. Fiona calmed down and was leaning against her beloved one. She closed her eyes for a moment. Dorothy was happy to see that her best friend was alright after she chased after her. Dolores was looking at the couple and then at Dorothy. "Looks like Al could manage to stop this wild horse," she said smiling and Dorothy nodded her head. The group decided to go back to the mansion and get some hot tea and coffee. Alastor was still sitting behind Fiona on the horse while getting back to the mansion. "Are you okay, my love?", he whispers into her ear. "I'm fine," she said smiling and doesn't want him to worry too much.

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